第一句子网 - 唯美句子、句子迷、好句子大全


1、简单句(一句话只有一个主谓宾结构):I like apples.

2、并列句(两个或多个简单句并列而成):I like apples, and my friend likes bananas.

3、复合句(包含一个主句和一个或多个从句):I went to the store, which was very crowded.

4、独立主格结构(一个名词或代词加上一个动词-ing形式,表达并列的动作或状态):My brother went for a swim, whistling a tune.

5、名词性从句(从句在句子中作为一个名词的角色):I believe that honesty is the best policy.

6、形容词性从句(从句在句子中作为一个形容词的角色):The tree, which is tall and strong, provides shade in the summer.

7、前置定语(一个修饰词在句子中放在它所修饰名词前面):The red car drove away quickly.

8、后置定语(一个修饰词在句子中放在它所修饰名词后面):The man wearing the hat is my neighbor.

9、状语从句(从句在句子中作为一个状语的角色):After I finish this project, I will take a break.

10、不定式短语(不定式构成的短语作为句子成分):I want to go to the movies tonight.

11、分词短语(分词作为短语的核心):Walking home from work, I saw a beautiful sunset.

12、反问句(一个带有问号的句子,但表达的不是真正的问题,而是表达说话者的观点):Isn’t it beautiful outside today!