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Sure, here are 14 sentences describing how a person has changed:

1、Over time, he underwent a profound transformation, evolving into someone unrecognizable from his former self.

2、She experienced a metamorphosis, shifting from a reserved individual to a vibrant and outgoing personality.

3、His demeanor shifted drastically, displaying a newfound confidence that replaced his previous insecurities.

4、With each passing day, she evolved into a more empathetic and understanding individual, departing from her once indifferent nature.

5、He went through a remarkable change, growing from a pessimistic outlook to embracing a positive and hopeful attitude.

6、She transitioned from a closed-off and distant individual to becoming open and approachable, embodying a newfound warmth.

7、His perspectives underwent a complete overhaul, transitioning from rigidity to flexibility and adaptability.

8、Through self-reflection and growth, she transformed into a resilient individual, shedding her previous fragility.

9、He embraced change wholeheartedly, evolving into a more adaptable and open-minded individual.

10、She experienced a profound shift in her priorities, moving from materialistic pursuits to valuing genuine connections and relationships.

11、His evolution included a newfound sense of purpose, transitioning from aimless wandering to focused determination.

12、She underwent a significant personality change, transitioning from self-centeredness to a more altruistic and caring nature.

13、Over time, his demeanor softened, replacing a once abrasive approach with a more gentle and compassionate demeanor.

14、Through introspection and growth, she transformed into a more self-aware and introspective individual, departing from her previous obliviousness.