第一句子网 - 唯美句子、句子迷、好句子大全


1、I am truly sorry for the mistake I made.

2、Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience I may have caused.

3、I apologize for my behavior and I will work to improve in the future.

4、I am sorry for my insensitive comments and I regret any harm I may have caused.

5、Please forgive me for not meeting your expectations、

6、I deeply regret my actions and I am sorry for any pain I have caused.

7、I apologize for the misunderstanding and I will do my best to rectify the situation.

8、I am sorry for being late, it was not my intention to keep you waiting.

9、I apologize for any misunderstanding or miscommunication that may have occurred.

10、Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience I may have caused.

11、I am truly sorry for my mistake and I will make sure it does not happen again.