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生活感悟句子 现实入心 治愈你的坏心情

时间:2018-10-31 02:18:35


生活感悟句子 现实入心 治愈你的坏心情

美若要生动 一定要透着思想

If beauty wants to be vivid, it must be full of thought

如果可以 余生请让笑容比眼泪多,就算要哭 每一滴眼泪的名字也应该是喜极而泣。

If you can spend the rest of your life, please make more smiles than tears. Even if you want to cry, the name of each tear should be tears of joy.

有时 恍惚于惊魂的美,有时 恍惚于瞬间的逝,还有!还有!恍惚于苍茫天地一个自己

Sometimes trance in the startling beauty, sometimes trance in the passing of the moment, and! also! Trance in the boundless world, a self

社会本不复杂 之所以复杂是因为人们用复杂的眼光去看他!

The society is not complicated because people look at him with complex eyes!


Its better to walk alone than to have a forest of bad friends around you.

用自己喜欢的方式 让心里高兴,这是一个普通人对生活最好的致敬。

Make your heart happy in the way you like. This is an ordinary persons best tribute to life.

最好的日子 不是惊艳 不是繁华而是远离喧嚣,邂逅一束一清二白的光。

The best day is not amazing, not prosperous, but far away from the noise and encounter a bunch of innocent light.


Not all likes come true


The process of getting better is not very comfortable. Try harder.


It is a kind of magnanimity to hold up and put down, and it is a kind of wisdom to see the insight of enlightenment.


If a man has a will, he will not stop on the half slope. You have to believe that the future will be better.

文化再高 高不过善良,容貌在美 美不过良心,才华再好 好不过品德,希望面对红绿灯的社会 你依然保持初心。

No matter how high your culture is, you can be kind, no matter how beautiful your appearance is, no matter how good your talent is, you can be moral. I hope you can still keep your original heart in the face of the traffic light society.


The road of life is rough and bumpy. As long as you insist and work hard, there is no barrier you can get through.


Life has always been difficult, but there are always some kindness and beauty that can give you and me the courage and strength to get out of trouble.


