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时间:2020-08-14 18:10:46





例: It is difficult to conceive of vigorous economic growth without an efficient transport system.

conceive of 想像=imagine(在写作当中,我们经常用“很难想象……”来表达缺少一个重要事物会带来的严重后果。不过一说到“想像”,我们脑海中第一个出现的词应该就是imagine了,那么升级成“it is difficult to conceive of...”是不是有那么一点点炫酷和与众不同,收了它吧!):vigor n. 生机,活力——adj. vigorous=energetic有活力的,精力充沛的,用来描述经济发展vigorous economic growth,是不是让我们瞬间嫌弃a developed economy 或者the rapid development of economy?

再看这个例子: The number of cars on European Union roads saw an increase of three million cars each year from 1990 to , and in the next decade the EU will see a further substantial increase in its fleet.substantial大幅度的,大量的,收获了spectacular, impressive, conspicuous,再来一枚substantial,反正以后不要再说dramatic就好啦!further:小词大用。学了一段时间英语发现,很多大词难词只要多背就能认识和应用的差不多,但唯独介词,万能动词或者语义特别多的小词很难驾驭。但是,往往这样的小词如果要是能用准用对,才是语言能力的真正提高。在此,a further substantial increase进一步,更大程度的大幅增长,=continue to increase substantially。“重点体会,刻意应用”是掌握该类词汇应有的技能。


例: In 1998, some of these countries already exported more than twice their 1990 volumes and imported more than five times their 1990 volumes.


twice their 1990 volumes——是1990年数据的2倍

more than twice their 1990 volumes——是1990年数据的2倍多

five times their 1990 volumes——是1990年数据的5倍

more than five times their 1990 volumes——是1990年数据的5倍多

再有这个:According to the latest estimates, if nothing is done to reverse the traffic growth trend, CO2 emissions from transport can be expected to increase by round 50% to 1,113 billion tonnes by , compared with the 739 billion tonnes recorded in 1990.



大家应该都知道苹果的浏览器。但是safari一词到底是什么意思?大家如果去查一下Cambridge Dictionary。解释是这样的:an organized journey to look at, or sometimes hunt, wild animals, especially in Africa.看来当年乔布斯的团队选名字还是非常有意思的,找一个表示“观赏或者捕猎野生动物的旅行(尤其是在非洲)”来做搜索器的名字。说了那么多,这些生活中的美词,怎么用到雅思写作中呢?


In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing.

What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them?(剑桥雅思8第四套真题)


1. 现代人类最大的问题就是坐得太多,动得太少,所以sit less, move more and get some exercise这条建议还是非常好的,用词虽然不难,但是有一种简约美。除了exercise之外,还可以用什么词来表示“运动”呢?App上有一个词汇workouts,在Cambridge Dictionary中的解释是:a period of physical exercise。比如“固定每天健身房的锻炼”可以说:a daily workout in the gym.那么,如果我们把workout拆开呢?就变成了一个非常高大上的phrasal verb(动词段落)-work out,比如“人们需要在健身房每周锻炼2-3次”我们可以说:people should work out in the gym two or three times a week.还有一个词叫cal,其实就是大家都并不陌生的“卡路里”-calories。写作中,我们可以说people can lose some weight by exercising, 我们还可以说:people can burn off calories by working out in the gym。


和添加了各种佐料,深度加工的垃圾食品(junk food)相比,我们可以把real food理解为“绿色有机食物“。

So,those who want to keep fit and healthy are advised to eat more real food.

当然了,也有人说,我运动很多,吃得也很健康,但是为什么感觉还是各种不舒服呢?那么很有可能不是你的“身”(physical)出了问题,而是“心”(mental)出了问题。大家来看这个词静心:quiet。这个词是非常妙的,一般是做形容词,但是我们可以用作动词形式:放松身体活在当下:forget the past and don worry too much about the future。

