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英文email给客户提议用why don’t you How about开头 适合吗?

时间:2020-12-30 17:41:29


英文email给客户提议用why don’t you How about开头 适合吗?



From: s.arthur@sunshinehotels.co.tw

To: jasson.gavin@

Date: January 14

Subject: ①Re: Sanso event on May 4

Dear Jasson,

Thanks for your email and your requests. I have put my answer after your questions:

1. Would you mind arranging a visit for my manager, Dana Smith, to see your conference facilities at the hotel?

Not at all. ②If you like, we could give Ms. Smith a tour of the facilities and offer her lunch.

2. Secondly, could you arrange a gift for each guest at the event?

Yes, no problem. ③What about including a personal card from you or Ms. Smith with the gift?

3. Are you able to do this for less than $100 per guest?

Of course. ④Why don you look at the attached list of possible gifts and tell me what you think is best?

4. If that is ok, then could you send a new offer with the total price?

Yes. I haven’t finished the new offer yet, but I will do it tomorrow. ⑤Would you like me to send it to Ms. Smith as well?

5. I can’t open the pictures of the conference rooms you sent.

⑥Have you tried opening the pictures in Microsoft PowerPoint? Or should I send you the photos in the post?

I hope these suggestions help. Let me know if you need anything else.

Best wishes,





二、If you like, we could...

想要提出建议却不失礼貌,建议可以用if you like, we could...的说法,意思为「如果你愿意的话,我们可以……」。前面的条件句给了对方选择的空间,让人感觉受到尊重,而不是被迫接受。另外提醒各位,在不完全清楚语意下直接中翻英,很可能会冒犯到外国客户,觉得不受到尊重,因此要特别注意。

三、What about… 和how about...

两者都是常见于提出建议的用语,属于较为简短,语气也没那么正式的用语。如果想用What about……和how about...,记得要在介系词about后面直接加动名词Ving,不需要像if you like, we could...要加上完整的语句(有主词和动词)。范例中的What about…用法,是个问句的表达方式,有点像「我们何不……」或「不如……吧」之意。

四、Why don’t you...

同样是个问句,有「你(们)何不……」的意思,和What about…不同的是,在Why don’t you...的用法上,做动作的人只能是对方。透过两者之间的切换,我们可以针对动作者的差异性,采用不同的说法,让信件的语句更多变化,展现出更多的语言掌握度,吸引对方的注意。

五、Would you like me to...

通常在提出建议的文章中,Would you like me to...可以做为提出解决方案时的语句,意思为「你是否需要我……」。同时,该语句也委婉表达「我可以……服务你,不知道你是否接受」的意思。

六、Have you tried... 和Or should I...

在范例信中,寄信者用完成式Have you tried...「你是否试过……方法?」来协助对方解决问题,而后面则用or should I ...「或者我可以……」来提出另一个解决方案,由对方决定符合他需求的方法,而不是只给对方一个选择并要他接受。

但是请注意,在Have you tried...的用法上,try后面接上Ving会更好,可以表达出是否已经尝试过这个方法了,而should因为是助动词,后面只能接原型动词。
