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「晚安」表达受伤时心情的句子 干净扎心 精辟入骨!

时间:2019-01-25 08:52:48


「晚安」表达受伤时心情的句子 干净扎心 精辟入骨!


I will not leave you because of your bad side. In fact, when I watch you cover up and feel uneasy and wronged, I will want to hug you more than doubt you.


Except for the people who love you to the bone who care about your feelings all the time, other people don care about you because they have to make a living.


Although we are under the same sky, our world is all different. The previous encounter is also a mistake. You are moved by you, and I have my attachments.


Don become indifferent or even self-love just because you have been deceived or hurt. Maybe this is your only way? Please be brave and tell yourself not to become that kind of person.


You are still important in my heart, and I have learned to face it in a different way. Maybe sometimes I still think of you feeling out of control, but I will immediately let myself stop this stupid behavior and do what I like.


In countless nights of insomnia, I believe there will be many people who habitually close their eyes, quietly miss a person, miss a face, so do I, close my eyes, my mind is full of you, waving. Don go.


I have been thinking about a whole life within a few months of falling in love. If you make a friend a little bit better for you, you want to spend your life. No wonder you have so much grievance and so much sadness. This is the price of innocence.


I prefer to stay up late with me than to persuade me to go to bed early. The reason is simple. Everyone can care about you and think about you occasionally when doing things, but few people are willing to give up their own rules to accommodate you.

