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幸福又唯美的神仙句子 深邃而含蓄 情不自禁

时间:2018-06-06 19:43:26


幸福又唯美的神仙句子 深邃而含蓄 情不自禁


The world is not perfect.You have to lose something to get something.


Are you always like this, quietly, staring at the sun sink sunset, homeless sadness.


The wood said to the fire, "Hold me!"Fire embraced wood wood smiled and turned to ashes!The fire cried!Tears quench themselves, when wood falls in love with fire destined to be burned.


If we are brave enough to love, brave enough to forgive, generous enough to rejoice in the happiness of others, and wise enough to know that there is enough love around us, then we are complete in a way that no other living creature has ever known.


It rains every day, the mood is stuffy, bored to death.


People become, in five simple words, they tell all the stories


You really don grow up when no one says "no" to you.


The best feeling in the world is knowing someone is thinking of you.


When I say goodbye to you in tears, you just say goodbye to me coldly, not feeling your cold eyes, heart has broken thousands of pieces.


If sincerity is a kind of hurt, I choose to lie;If a lie is a kind of injury, I choose silence;If silence is a kind of hurt, I choose to leave.


A person, a city, fall in love with a person, fall in love with that city, walk in this city, with his company, think here is your heaven, the heaven of love, feel happiness is actually so close.


Waiting is the first old life.


She didn love him anymore, but he was an indelible past in her life.


There is a feeling called lost, there is a beauty called give up.A silently give up, give up a heart but no share to give up some kind of waiting but no harvest to give up some kind of heart every give up a feeling in the heart will give birth to a kind of sad.However, this sadness does not prevent me from starting over, listening to the music again in a new space and time, and telling the story again.
