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精彩心动的英语句子 给你一个清凉的夏天!

时间:2020-05-17 12:06:03


精彩心动的英语句子 给你一个清凉的夏天!

I suddenly thoughtI want to collect the whole sunshine in summerSend it to you in winter我突然想想把整个夏天阳光在冬天时寄给你—— Send《寄》

The summer of my childhood was the sound of cicadasNow the summer is the sound of trafficSummer used to be the taste of homeNow summer is the taste of loneliness小时候的夏天是知了的声音现在的夏天是车流的声音以前的夏天是家的味道现在的夏天是一个人的味道—— Smell《味道》

I hope the watermelon my mother cut this summerdoesn t taste like onion, ginger and garlic.希望今年夏天妈妈切的西瓜上没有葱姜蒜的味道—— Watermelon《西瓜》

Summer came quietly like thisWhether I want to bask or not夏天就这样悄悄地来了也不管我想不想晒太阳——Summer《夏天》

Love the summer breezeSunset in the eveningAnd you by my side爱夏日的微风傍晚的落日以及我身边的你—— About I love you《关于我爱你》

Roadside trees stand in the slumpedwind, still leavesit fell full thick gray路旁的梧桐树无精打采地站立在那一丝风,树叶纹丝不动上面落满了厚厚的灰—— Summer Solstice《夏至》

Spring walked along with the shatterin the summer threw over a body s green leafto jump in the warm braw is walking春天走了随着粉碎在夏天把超过身体的绿叶子跳暖风走—— Spring has gone《春去》

It was terribly hotnot a breath of windlike the thick air froze天气闷热得要命一丝风也没有稠乎乎的空气好像凝住了——Summer《盛夏》

It wasn t the innocence that beat meIt was the heat打败我的不是天真是天真热——Innocence《天真》

Hometown of summerquiet, greenbeautiful, colorful家乡的夏天静谧,葱茏秀丽,多姿——Hometown《家乡》
