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黄文琪雅思口语 | 体现英语思维的句子(上)

时间:2023-03-06 04:57:35


黄文琪雅思口语 | 体现英语思维的句子(上)

英语喜欢用have, be,give, get,如果你能用好这几个词,你已经是个英语高手了。


我向你保证。You have my word.

你预约过了吗?Do you have an appointment?

我可以和你说句话吗?May I have a word with you?

你说了算。You have the final say.

你可能折了一根肋骨。You probably have a broken rib.

我总是开着机。I have my phone on all the time.

我穿着一件毛衣。I have a sweater on.

我把椅子靠在了墙壁上。I have the chair against the wall.

你干嘛那么讨厌我?What do you have against me?

我把照片挂在了墙上。I had the picture up on the wall.

我可以拿回我的书吗? Can I have my book back?

他一整天都在看电视。He has the TV on all day long.

我昨天系了领带。I had a tie on yesterday.


我起来了。I‘m up.

显然发生了什么事情。Obviously something is up.

婴儿睡了三个小时。The baby has been down for 3 hours.

我患感冒了,身体很差。I’m down with the flu。

我成功挺过来了。I‘m over it.

我的感冒好了。Im over the flu.

他的婚姻结束了。His marriage is over.

道路施工中。The road is under construction.

那个东西就在我眼皮底下。It was right under my nose.

我正在做那件事。I’m on it.

他在打电话。Hes on the phone.

他正在服用心脏治疗药物。Hes on heart medication.

她昨天没去上班。She was off work yesterday.

我永远都不会吃垃圾食品。I‘m off junk food for good.

警察正在追捕她。The police are after her.

她是为了钱才追求他的。Shes after his money.

我的计划滞后了。I’m behind schedule.

我们拖欠了住房贷款。We e behind on our mortgage payments.

我同意你的想法。I‘m with you.

他正在开会。Hes in a meeting.

我偿还了所有债务。I’m out of debt.

我赞成。I‘m for it.

我正在工作。I’m at work.

她一会儿就来了。Shell be along a little later.

我说完了。I‘m through talking.
