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热爱生活的唯美系句子 文艺又上进 温柔了整个时光

时间:2021-07-25 15:38:38


热爱生活的唯美系句子 文艺又上进 温柔了整个时光



Plant your own flowers and love your universe.


Snow is a great romance, you are a small world.


Watermelon, blue sky, white clouds, night wind and you.


There is no way to be attached to the future, only the front is worth looking forward to.

5.永远不要为难自己 比如不睡觉 不吃饭 难过 自责 这些都是傻瓜才做的事。

Never embarrass yourself. For example, if you don sleep or eat, feel sorry and blame yourself. These are stupid things.


The sky is clear and blue, the clouds are not dyed, the mountains are covered with Dai, and the wind is warm.


I always believe that people who have experienced the calamities and tasted all kinds of flavors will be more vivid and clean after walking through the misty rain of Pinghu Lake and the mountains and rivers of years.

8.行动就是最好的消化法,没有千锤百炼 哪来的黄沙变成珍珠。

Action is the best way to digest. If you don work hard, the yellow sand will turn into pearls.


All the past is a prelude, and all the future is promising.


Childhood is far away, and we are growing up gradually. The years have taken away many memories and eroded the childish innocence we once had in our hearts. We ignore the shackles of our hearts and indulge in the worlds glitz, but we should not lose ourselves.


Efforts will lie, but efforts will not be in vain.


Without any more words, I will forget with you in the river and lake. I will drink the vicissitudes of life, eat the fruits of life, and make clothes and brocade clothes in the years. After a hundred turns and thousands of returns, I will turn around quietly and then leave.
