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经典的爱情句子 唯美精致 耐人回味!

时间:2022-03-29 16:42:34


经典的爱情句子 唯美精致 耐人回味!


You ruined our love with your own hands.


In you, I found all my joys and sorrows, spring, summer, autumn and winter.


No matter how beautiful the oath is, it can compare with a "goodbye" in the end.


Thinking of you is my eternal language.


If you are the wind, I would like to be your kite and fly higher and farther. The silk thread in your hand is the witness of our love.


Love is futile. At noon, the sun is as red as fire. Why do I always get hurt? The sun sets in the west at night. Its the girls fault!


Don be sad. If its good, its wonderful. If it is bad, it is called experience.


You never know why I like to lean on your shoulder. Because I know that this is a person I can trust all my life, and I rely on someone I can really rely on.


pain. Review it. If one day I don attract you or Im not cute, please tell me, I don want you to pour our love, because if that love continues, it will only hurt deeper and more painful.


After being with you, I understand that the so-called deep love is to know that the road ahead is extremely rough, but I just want to go with you. I love you! I love your past, present and future.


What is love? Its not that you want love and look for someone, but that you meet someone and find love.


There are stories about you and me in time, but what remains unchanged is the feeling of love. Your love words are still stored in your mobile phone. Whenever you look happy, the road ahead will go together, and the heart that loves you will never change.
