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超级可爱的句子 萌萌哒小仙女还不快来收藏

时间:2018-12-19 03:32:42


超级可爱的句子 萌萌哒小仙女还不快来收藏

1.建议大家不要谈姐弟恋 好不容易睡觉了 早上6点还要送他去幼儿园

It is suggested that we should not talk about the love between brothers and sisters. We should send him to kindergarten at 6:00 in the morning


"One day, it was too hot. I said," lets go and buy popsicles. After eating popsicles, well relieve the summer heat. We e done. Do you understand? "


The little duck went out to play, but it got lost and couldn find it home. It kept muttering: duck can go back, duck can go back, duck can go back.


Summer is so romantic. Id like to invite it to dinner. You can come with me if you are free

5.“我是落难的公主 现在给我打钱买可爱多 等我回王宫分你一亿”

"Im a princess in distress. Now give me money to buy keaido. Ill give you 100 million yuan when I go back to the palace."

6.以前我妈说我是充话费送的我不信 现在我信了 我这么喜欢玩手机完全是因为里面有家人的味道

My mother used to say that I paid for it. I don believe it. Now I believe it. I like playing mobile phone so much because it has the smell of family

7.我想要的是互相进步 各自生活 心中有爱的恋爱 而不是整天腻在一起 堕落无趣且低俗

What I want is to improve each others lives and love each other, instead of being tired of being together all day, degenerate, boring and vulgar

8.有很多事情其实我都想清楚了 只是想到要真的在名义上也失去你了 就真的舍不得

There are a lot of things in fact I think clearly, just think to really lose you in the name of really reluctant to give up
