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八月人人都喜欢的的句子 “唯美精致”

时间:2023-03-10 21:43:23


八月人人都喜欢的的句子 “唯美精致”

在心里画一幅四季的山水, 把时间的流逝演绎成平凡的烟火,让时间沉默,让流水沉默,我的世界依然美丽。

Draw a landscape of the four seasons in my heart, deduce thepassage of time into ordinary fireworks, let time silence, let thewater silence, my world is still beautiful.

流年自有其特定的规律, 无论你如何抗拒,都无法控制,不如让朵花开了, 粒种子发芽,让切回归原位。

Time has its own specific laws, no matter how you resist, can notcontrol, it is better to let a flower, a seed germination, let cutback to its original position.


Time warms the years, gaze at the fingertips, through the memoryof time and space, no car and escape, touch the memory of the rednotes will let the time in the peach blossom flowing water.


Can not describe the reflection of time, and how many people giveup, and gently infiltrate into my fantasy.


Streamers tend to throw people away and make cherries red andplantains green. In the spring after autumn, the years slip byquietly, the flowers bloom and fall, time flies.


Still thank the years to bring me a teaching - season of good,still cherish scattered in the past years of little drops ofmemories.


Flowers bloom and fall, and flowers wither.


Put a heart in the fleeting time, quietly rest, by the pleasure ofstealing half a day. "Old peptide deep", how muchprosperity into smoke.


Time is too short, so a lot of things are different. Maybe wecan lighten the wind of life, but we can calm our minds.


Let the beauty of life gallop under the blue sky and white clouds,return to the simplicity of the mind, see the true meaning in thequiet, know the truth in the light, keep indifferent in theprosperous place.


In the days of listening to wind and rain, I draw a meditation onclouds and water by studying plain ink, and appreciate the warmth andwarmth of time in the quiet years.
