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第一句子网 > 致自己的成熟句子 所谓岁月静好 是因为负重前行!

致自己的成熟句子 所谓岁月静好 是因为负重前行!

时间:2018-10-13 17:00:48


致自己的成熟句子 所谓岁月静好 是因为负重前行!

你要尽全力保护你的梦想。那些嘲笑你梦想的人,他们必定会失败,他们想把你变成和他们一样的人。我坚信,只要我心中有梦想,我就会与众不同。你也是。You have to do your best to protect your dream. Those who laugh at your dreams, they are bound to fail, they want to make you like them. I firmly believe that as long as I have a dream in my heart, I will be different. you too.如果你是对的,你没必要发脾气;如果你是错的,你没资格去发脾气。这才是真正的智慧。If you are right, you don have to lose your temper; if you are wrong, you don have the right to lose your temper. Thats the real wisdom.

3. 无论有多困难,都坚强地抬头挺胸,人生是一场醒悟,不要昨天,不要明天,只要今天。活在当下,放眼未来。人生是一种态度,心静自然天地宽。不一样的你我,不一样的心态,不一样的人生。

No matter how difficult it is, stand up and hold your chest firmly. Life is an awakening, not yesterday, not tomorrow, as long as today. Live in the present and look to the future. Life is an attitude, calm nature wide. Different you and me, different mentality, different life.

4. 请你相信,岁月会成就最好的自己,时光也必将打磨出你别样的独一无二的美丽。

Please believe that time will make the best of yourself, and time will also polish your unique beauty.

5. 人生不怕起点低,就怕没追求;不怕走得慢,就怕走错路;不怕不如意,就怕想不通。与其羡慕别人,不如做好自己。

Life is not afraid of low starting point, afraid of no pursuit; not afraid of slow, afraid of the wrong way; not afraid of dissatisfaction, afraid of thinking. Its better to be yourself than to envy others.

6. 欢乐就是坚强的发条,使永恒的自然循环不息。在世界的大钟里面,欢乐是推动齿轮的动力。

Joy is a strong spring that keeps the eternal natural cycle going. In the big clock of the world, joy is the driving force of the gear.

7. 今日的事情,尽心、尽意、尽力去做了,无论成绩如何,都应该高高兴兴地上床恬睡。

Todays things, heart, heart, try to do, no matter how the results, should happily go to bed.

8. 当你停下休息时,别忘了别人还在奔跑。

When you stop to rest, don forget that others are still running.

9. 对不起,我不小心把“喜欢你”三个字发到了你的手机里。若是你接受,请保留它;若是不接受,请你,把它发还给我。

Sorry, I accidentally sent "like you" to your mobile phone. If you accept it, please keep it; if not, please send it back to me.

10. 用善意的心情去理解别人的话,会让世界单纯美好容易。世界如此之大,我却能幸运地遇见一些人。

Its easy to understand other peoples words with a kind heart. The world is so big, but I am lucky to meet some people.

11. 人生的过渡,当时百般艰难,一天蓦然回首,原来已经飞渡千山。

The transition of life was very difficult at that time. Looking back one day, it turned out that it had already crossed thousands of mountains.

12. 愿漂泊的人有酒喝,愿孤独的人会唱歌。

May the wandering have wine, and the lonely sing.


