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表达内心悲伤的句子 懂你的忧伤 送给伤心的你!

时间:2020-03-28 00:58:43


表达内心悲伤的句子 懂你的忧伤 送给伤心的你!


That year, after reading all Wangs Weibo, I felt that I had said a very good word, which affected myself unconsciously. Instead of hiding the truth, it is better to hide the cruel truth. So many people think that I can accept the betrayal of my predecessor. But what I really can accept is that her deception has deceived me for so long that I feel like a fool. I hate being deceived by people I trust, so I always try my best to know the truth.


When you are honest with yourself, no one in the world can deceive you.


You know the most extravagant thing I have ever done is to love you with my whole youth.


When a woman no longer shares her troubles with you, she no longer trusts you.


Remember, when you are lonely, I am not your pastime. Give it up. Please stop thinking about it.


I don know where my enthusiasm has gone. Now I feel that there is only an empty shell left, and the days have passed.


Happy moment, half with you, half in a dream; The painful moment is half separated and half silently thinking of you.


Goodbye, I can bear to be separated from 69 students in our class.


Entering the essential state of life, we will continue to use the old way of saying goodbye and meeting.


Only when you are deceived by someone you trust can you understand that people are hard to understand. When the person you love the most leaves, you realize that no one can live forever!
