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无敌爆炸调皮的沙雕句 朋友圈最靓的文案!

时间:2022-12-05 15:09:07


无敌爆炸调皮的沙雕句 朋友圈最靓的文案!

一、听说柿子和螃蟹一起吃会中毒 有点想不开柿子都准备好了 现在就差螃蟹 有没有看我不顺眼的寄几斤螃蟹给我

I heard that persimmons and crabs will be poisoned together. I can ’ t think of persimmons. I ’ m ready now. I ’ m not looking at the crabs. I ’ m not pleasing to the eye. Send me a few pounds of crabs

二、当有人惹你生气时,深吸一口气,从10开始倒数 数到7时就一拳打向他的咽喉,他肯定不会想到的

When someone makes you angry, take a deep breath and punch him in the throat from the count down to 7. He won think of it

三、有些朋友从不联系你 除了突然丢给你一个链接 叫你帮他投票 人与人之间本不该如此冷漠 这时候我总是会点开链接 进去投他的竞争对手一票.

Some friends never contact you, except for suddenly throwing you a link asking you to help him. Voters should not be so indifferent between people. At this time, I always click on the link to vote for his competitors.


I always remember the summer wind, clearly said to heat me up


First friends, then sisters, and finally all babies

六、别看现在的年轻人挺穷的 但他们可是掌握了一百种犒劳自己的理由

Don look at the young people today, they are poor, but they have a hundred reasons to treat themselves

七、其实我是一个作家 没写过啥书 就是特能作

Actually, Im a writer. Ive never written a book. Im a writer


It doesn have to be an angel to have wings. It could be a mosquito

九、最近在使用增高药 效果还挺明显的 高了两三厘米 就是一粒一粒的放在鞋里面有点硌脚

Recently, the effect of using the heightening medicine is quite obvious. Two or three centimeters higher is a little bit lame in the shoes

十、以前年少轻狂 现在不了 还是狂 就是不轻了

I used to be young and frivolous. Now I can . Im still crazy. Im just not young

十一、小时候我妈教我用筷子,半天学不会她就打我 现在长大了,我教她用手机半天她学不会她还是打我

When I was a child, my mother taught me to use chopsticks. She couldn ’ t learn to beat me for a long time. Now I have grown up. I taught her to use her mobile phone for a long time. She can ’ t learn her or beat me

十二、等我有钱了 买桶泡面吃 只吃面 汤都不喝直接倒了

When I get rich, Ill buy a bucket of instant noodles, eat only noodles and soup, and then Ill just pour it out.

十三、凡事想想自己配不配 这句话很有道理 我仔细想了想 诶 我还真配

It makes sense to think about whether you deserve it or not. Ive thought about it. I deserve it


I want to learn how to go on a picnic with my friends online. I just laid out the picnic cloth and put the things on it. the uncle came to ask how much is a kilo of tomatoes?


Please self-review the phone, why always pull me to stay up late


的It is better to visit Taobao when chatting with boys. I like everything Taobao pushes, and I like nothing the boys say.


Some people advised me not to look at peoples faces. Do I look at the internal organs?

十八、庆余年里范闲不是穿越的吗 那他怎么没认出庆帝是陈道明呢?

In the Qing Dynasty, Fan Xian did not cross? Then why did he not recognize Qing Emperor as Chen Daoming?


Im an antique shop owner. I call everyone baby


You e the first love. They e rehearsing.

二十一、我当然很忙,我要吃饭睡觉打游戏 我要洗澡洗脸化妆 还要上班挣钱 那如果你发一句在吗 我倒也没那么忙

Of course Im busy. I have to eat, sleep, play games. I have to take a shower, wash my face, make up, and go to work to make money. So if you send a message, Im not that busy


Can help but open a pack of spicy strips, eat half more uncomfortable looked at the name, turned out to be sweet altar lotus love spicy


I really don understand why some people have been looking for wild king and can practice by themselves. If there is a wild king willing to take me, then when I didn say
