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描述哲理的句子 句句经典 值得收藏!

时间:2022-06-26 12:31:33


描述哲理的句子 句句经典 值得收藏!


A few white sails, like a few white feathers, light and leisurelyfloating in the glittering sea.


Spray is a strange sight of the sea, but its more like a dancer.It allows people to let go of their worries and enjoy themselves.


The sea blue let a person feel the color of jade is too light, thecolor of sapphire is too deep, even a famous teacher is alsodifficult to describe.


Standing on the shore of the sand, looking into the distance, canonly see a vast expanse of white. The sea and the sky blend together.Its hard to tell whether its water or sky. As the saying goes, foglock: mountains, days even water tail water continuous. The sea inthe distance, in the fine sunlight, like the scale of the fish on thesurface of the spread, like naughty children kept jumping to theshore.


Looking at the sea, our hearts seemed to open. In this state,people are refreshed and relaxed. The sea was in high tide, and thewaves of the sea came toward the shore one after another, some likerolling hills.


I like the way its quiet and the way it growls... Looking at theopen and boundless sea in the past, it makes the narrow, crowded andnoisy city look beyond the clouds.


I can forget the fresh, moist sea breeze blowing throughpeoples hair, cheeks and every part of their bodies. Charming as agorgeous, buxom woman.


Stretch and look out, there are no white waves, but aftermastering the sailing skills of the sea-value test, you can see thefishing sails, the shining tan, the keen eyes, the kindly smile, theskilful casting of nets. They don appreciate what the viewer saysabout the scenery, maybe they are used to it, one of which is thedirection and the boat. Look at the connection between the blue andthe distant sky, just like a blue continent rising slowly, shiningwith the luster of ancient magnificent glazed tiles, broadening theboundless space.


The real sea, like the vast land of the northern Plateau, embodiesan indescribable mysterious vitality and gives people a profoundtranscendence to nature.


Walking into the blue plateau of chaos, seems to be able tosupport her cold face, in his deep hear the hustle and bustle oflife. It differs from a true plateau continent, where all life isunquestioned; Here everything is enveloped in a sea of chaos andopacity, and the inward impulses of life change only occasionally tosay that the waves roll and vanish; Here, everything is moist, soft,delicate and changeable... No one else could really see inside him,and he would have a desire to go inside and understand its complexand unpredictable psychological world.


Knowing you in the vast sea of people is a kind of fate. I onlyhope to use my sincerity in exchange for your true feelings.


What fate led us to know each other? In the fate of life,implicated you and me is the real feelings of the red line.
