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能舒缓心情的句子 简单美好 适合收藏

时间:2020-05-10 01:22:59


能舒缓心情的句子 简单美好 适合收藏


Lakes and mountains are our deliberate nostalgia, is your current water color, lingering in my past life.


Today, our singing is not a waking dream, but an orgy unwilling to sleep.


Ill try to bring something cute; Ill pack up all my things, and when you call, Ill be on the next train. Im on this train now. This is not obedience. Please make sure Im not born to obey.


You practice smiling all the time, not to say you become a person you hate, but to become calm in the world. Tired can not give up, pain cry. Rather than rely on yourself, trust others, others will hurt you, time will give you warmth.


Though time has washed, true feelings do not fade, life is short, love is eternal. There is a person can miss, that is happiness.


I have so much to say to you, but I never got the chance. I carry them through the seasons, over elevated roads, over mountains and seas. Flowers bloom and fall is a word, night is a word. Writing begins at dusk, and dawn is a numberless title page. The world makes a poem, I love you as the last line.


This raw water, the former raw tea, with this lifetime bubble a cup of former raw tea. The cup of precipitation is the love of this life.


The spring is beautiful, the summer mountain is green, the autumn cicada is simple, the winter comes to the spring wind and the water rises, are willing to follow your face.


You and I are far apart, sharing the moonlight, this is the best fate in my life.


On rainy days I like to snuggle up in our beloved old cardigan. Nearby are our treasured old records, firewood for the fire, and beloved old books. Its so quiet, so peaceful -- its a good time to dream.
