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励志拼搏努力的句子 致努力奋斗的自己

时间:2024-04-27 03:58:02


励志拼搏努力的句子 致努力奋斗的自己

1: 做任何一件事,都要有始有终,坚持把它做完。不要轻易放弃,如果放弃了,你就永远没有成功的可能。如果出现挫折时,你要反复告诉自己:把这件事坚持做下去。

Do anything, have a beginning and end, insist on it done. Don give up easily, if you give up, you will never succeed. If there is a setback, you have to tell yourself over and over again: keep doing it.

2: 生活不是等待风暴过去,而是学会在雨中翩翩起舞。

Life is not waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.

3: 我们只要正视自我,让自己有努力的信心,奋斗的勇气,前进的力量,攀登的智慧,就能开阔视界和胸襟,一切也会随之柳暗花明。

As long as we face up to ourselves, let ourselves have the confidence to work hard, the courage to struggle, the strength to move forward, the wisdom of climbing, we can broaden our horizons and minds, and everything will follow.

4: 胜利的时候不要忘却从前;失败的时候不要忘记还有将来。

Don forget the past when you win; Don forget that there is a future when you fail.

5: 这一秒不放弃,下一秒就有希望!坚持下去才可能成功

This second does not give up, the next second there is hope! Hold on to it to succeed!

6: 相信梦想是价值的源泉,相信眼光决定未来的一切,相信成功的信念比成功本身更重要,相信人生有挫折没有失败,相信生命的质量来自决不妥协的信念。

Believe that dreams are the source of value, believe that vision determines everything in the future, believe that the belief in success is more important than success itself, believe that life has setbacks without failure, believe that the quality of life comes from the belief of never compromise.

7: 穷则思变,差则思勤!没有比人更高的山没有比脚更长的路

Poor is thinking, poor is thinking! There is no higher mountain than man, no longer road than the foot.

8: 再长的路,一步步也能走完,再短的路,不迈开双脚也无法到达。

Another long road, step by step can also walk, and then a short road, do not open their feet can not reach.

9: 千万别以为,淡泊名利就不用去奋斗,在这个时代,仅仅是维持现状,也需要不断努力。

Don think that a little vant of famous and famous do not have to struggle, in this era, just to maintain the status quo, but also need to continue to work hard.


Life is fair, even if you eat a lot of hardships, as long as you persist, there will be gains, even if the final failure, you have access to other people do not have the experience.

11: 努力不是为了做给谁看,无论什么结果都能问心无愧,努力是因为你可以不接受命运的框定,靠自己来场漂亮的反击。

Effort is not to do to whom to see, no matter what the result can be clear-cut, the effort is because you can not accept the fate of the frame, on their own to play a beautiful counter-attack.

12: 人生难免要受些委屈和伤害,以其耿耿于怀郁郁寡欢,倒不如坦坦荡荡泰然处之。只有经受住狂风暴雨的洗礼,才能练就波澜不惊的淡定。

Life inevitably has to suffer some grievances and injuries, with its deep feelings of depression, it is better to be frank and calm. Only by weathering the baptism of the storm can we practice the calmness of the waves.

