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一句深入人心的话 唯美阳光的生活哲理句子 温柔向上 启迪人生

时间:2022-02-18 17:17:41


一句深入人心的话 唯美阳光的生活哲理句子 温柔向上 启迪人生


Its one thing to know who you are.its another thing to make decisions like you know who you are.step into the latter.you are waiting on you.


A reminder that theres more to life than work.get some sun,laugh with friends,read a book,or create just for you.go live.thats abundance too.thats self care too.thats loving yourself too.


I am ready to get out of my own way and step into a life,my life,that feels good in every way.i can have ups and downs while enjoyng my life.this is possible.


I knew i was ready to choose me when i could prioritize what i needed over what they needed from me.


Just because they genuinely hurt you,it doesn mean everhone else will.be open to new,healthy,and available relationships.they exist,they are real,and you deserve them.


Allow the blessing to be that you now know that you don have to entertain any of the circumstances that dont contribute to your joy.this is also letting go.


Do what you would choose if you weren worried about what other people would say.thats the choice.


You are allowed to be full.full of joy,full of laughter,full of abundance,full of energy.fullness doesnt mean the absence of the tough stuff.its holding all of it.


Its not your responsibility to change people.we all love to encourage those we love.but you don own their choices.you are not a lesser person,friend,or partner because you have recognized you cant help people change without their wanting to change as well.
