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很有个性的高冷句子 霸气冷酷 挑一句送给自己

时间:2019-06-14 19:18:24


很有个性的高冷句子 霸气冷酷 挑一句送给自己


Some people always say that I am cold and difficult to approach, but why should I be warm to you? After all, I don want to be your friend! Also, the way I let you see me is not necessarily the way I am. If you think I am indifferent to you, then I may simply not want to have anything to do with you.


I was born this way. You like it or you don like it. I am who I am and I don need you to like me, and I don need you to like me.


Don always tell me what the future, how in the future, I just want to have a good now, more to do some possible things, don want to talk to you about some useless, waste of time, let waste my saliva.


I advise you to throw away the things that you can keep all the time. Life should be domainous. Otherwise, you will get what you deserve if you stumble over these things in the future.


My kindness, my good temper will never leave those who push their luck, like is also, love is also!


Its not that its harder to fall in love. Its that as we grow older, we become more able to tell if someone really loves you.


If you are not satisfied with me, then you tell me directly, don talk behind my back, so that you are very low.


Why would I want to share it with anyone if its mine? Don tell me to be generous. I just don want to be.


Now for me, love you this thing is really too difficult, so forget it, I still wish you die alone!


Since no one has walked through the road I once walked, so what qualifications do you have to persuade me to lay down, persuade me to be generous!


I am such a person, since I like, no matter what others say, I just like, I just think is the best one! I am what I am, no matter how you look at me, I do not care, because I do not need, do not care!




