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触动人心的情感句子 伤感委屈 哪句戳中了你的心?

时间:2022-01-19 05:17:16


触动人心的情感句子 伤感委屈 哪句戳中了你的心?


Now people always because you look too honest and easy to talk, even if there is a bad mood will not easily show, so they think it is okay to bully anyway, a little grievance will not have complaints, anyway, you are so easy to talk, isn it?


Well, now that Ive been with you through all the hard times, its your turn to leave me and find another girl to live happily with you, isn it?


Really, sometimes disappointed too many times, even quarrel and angry have no desire, unlike to argue again, just want to let nature take its course to separate.


Now that you have said that you do not love, then I can not be like a three-year-old child, in order to get what you want, has been sitting on the ground crying, now I can only let go.


Now there is a kind of person who looks really happy on the surface, but maybe only they know that they are showing happiness now, just because they don look so sad.


Now I also gradually like the day of such plain water, without any surprise, without any scare, everything is so calm or good, at least this will not be too sad.


Do you have a person in mind, when you suddenly think of the time, the mouth is about to turn up, but hold back the eyes filled with tears.


Those who even have to consider the time and place of collapse should all be very unhappy! Because too much consideration of others feelings, a long time then ignore their own feelings, such a person is too tired to live.


Sometimes I think maybe things aren as bad as they seem, its just that the way the world lets us grow up is a little bit harsher.


Later ah, you choose a can accompany you to enjoy the girl, she can sit in your copilot, not by the wind and rain, and you, also sat in your bike behind the girl forget completely, perhaps in love, really no so-called right or wrong, only love or not love! But what to do? There will be endless regret and regret ah!




