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冷漠又高级的个性句子 充满正能量 治愈不安!

时间:2023-10-30 16:06:22


冷漠又高级的个性句子 充满正能量 治愈不安!

When you let go, there will be no worries.


My youth is my decision, so I don need you to intervene.


Its not that I pretend to be lofty and don eat out of touch, but that you missed me when I was serious.


Happiness is fate. Don be afraid of its impermanence, although sometimes it comes and goes without a trace, and don be obedient and at the mercy of it because it is grotesque. Half of it is in our hands, and the other half is in the hands of God. The harder we work, the stronger the half we hold, and the more fruitful we get. When you are desperate, don forget that you own half of your destiny. When you get carried away, don forget that God holds the other half in his hand.


His warmth bewitched you and made you think that it was love.


The aftertaste is as beautiful as poppys fantasy, laughing, sighing and dancing, gathering thousands of thoughts, floating in the hustle and bustle of the world, reading the purity of one side again, throwing out a dreamy experience, stranding the memories at the moment of pause, keeping this tender tenderness alone, silently listening to the strike of the world of mortals, looking off the past life at the end of the horizon, and freezing the melancholy beauty when the strangers spend thanks.


From then on, I met Qingshan and Baiwu, and tasted the bitterness and independence of this world alone, but I can meet you again.


How disappointed you have to be before you can be ignored.


Some words, like a thorn stuck in your throat, hurt when you say it or not. I take the initiative, you don take the initiative, you don take the initiative, and I don take the initiative either. Many relationships are like this, and then there is no afterthought.


Don tell the world about your pain like a refugee. There are not many doctors in the world, but animals that sprinkle salt on their wounds. A wild animal is injured. It can run to a cave to hide by itself, lick the wound by itself, and insist on it by itself. But once it is asked for help, it can stand it.

