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那些最伤感的句子 句句扎心 每一句都戳中内心深处!

时间:2021-08-20 00:09:25


那些最伤感的句子 句句扎心 每一句都戳中内心深处!


Life turns a hundred times, flowers bloom and fall, time flies, see the world of mortals, ups and downs.


I hope the next person I like won embarrass me, won let me walk all the way, will always love me and tell me Im his most precious person.


I know there is no result, but I still have the impulse to stick to it. I know its not easy to meet you. Its a pity to miss it. I don want the rest of my life to be a memory!


For a moment, I just want to experience it alone. How big can emptiness be? Where should emptiness be placed? Im just doing nothing for a while, in a trance and confused for a while, but I have to bear the suffering of being swallowed up by vanity. Its doomed.


Please be confident. You are the scenery, there is no need to look up in other peoples scenery.


Clearly do not want to give up, but have given up; Confuse the rotten heart with some powerless words.


I want to say goodbye to the world as the future. The sun is warm and has been stabbed by the cold winter.


No matter how good others are, they are also others. No matter how unbearable the ego is, it is also the ego, the unique ego.


Sometimes, I suddenly feel lonely. No one understands you, no one is with you. Occasionally, it will be crazy and noisy. It seems that it doesn adapt to the world.


Only care about life, forget the romantic affectation, love belongs to love!
