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伤感又治愈的神仙文案 深邃而含蓄 爱情永存

时间:2019-01-01 05:35:27


伤感又治愈的神仙文案 深邃而含蓄 爱情永存

Will doubt the world, but also make yourself better and stronger in the process.


I am waiting for the ending song of July 17th. If I cry, remember to comfort me. It was sung by my lover. I really love him.


Slowly, we talked happily and openly, such as work, life, family, emotion, marriage and so on. Not limited by time, I feel that what I want to do most every day is to receive his message. Waiting became a torment.


The dream is just waiting for the final submission to you or your submission to it.


Waiting for the result of the sentence, it is really a few hours of suffering! I slept for three or four hours last night, but I didn sleep soundly. Its a terrible day! I feel weak at the moment, and I really want to have a good rest. I want to get back to the days when I can eat and sleep. I have been suffering from insomnia for more than a week. Watching the night with your eyes open every night is no ordinary hardship. Im going crazy with torture. God, have mercy on me!


I will work hard for the future of our life, I will try to cherish and pay attention to you all the time, I will love you and wait for you, and leave the rest to fate.


Im waiting for my destined lover to appear. Fate can be met but not sought. Only when I meet the right person at the right time is true love.


Sometimes I feel heartbroken and wonder why I agreed to let go together, but now I know that separation is also a kind of understanding. It may not be easy to wait, but it is easy to hurt.


Years flow like water, years like songs, and time always goes by inadvertently. Memories have been slowly forgotten with the passage of time, and the once familiar beautiful appearance has become gradually blurred. There are only a few withered memories left, which fall into a mottled place with the wind, and are prosperous in the past, so as to turn into a lonely life. Life is gathering and dispersing one after another, walking slowly with the hour hand of the clock.


This graduation season does not belong to us, waiting for the next season to make the sea.

