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余生致自己的温柔句子 句句扎心 适合发朋友圈!

时间:2022-05-04 12:04:05


余生致自己的温柔句子 句句扎心 适合发朋友圈!


The happy moment is to taste good tea in front of you to make the happiness feel more mellow at the moment, and talking about the old time with me in front of you is the source of my happiness.


Being too busy to communicate with you is also a sign of changing your mind.


When a middle-aged woman jokes, "when you are old, you still need a partner," you may think she is talking to herself or she is making fun of herself.


If the couple can pursue those inner restlessness, become not sad, not happy, clouds and light wind, then the pursuit of happiness will become simple and the relationship will naturally last for a long time.


In the world of love, there are often choices of "love" and "bread". "Love" is usually the choice of young people, while people after the age of 40 tend to choose "bread".


Since it is not appropriate, it is better to let go early, let go of each other and yourself. Believe that even if you live alone, its much better than constant quarreling.


In fact, love really has nothing to do with appearance. The people who really love you will also regard your shortcomings as your unique personality.
