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适合发朋友圈的经典人生感悟句子 句句简短精辟 分享有故事的你

时间:2023-12-09 05:30:19


适合发朋友圈的经典人生感悟句子 句句简短精辟 分享有故事的你

一、精神贫乏,多读书;体质太差,勤锻炼;资源不足,多补充;马力不够,早充电。能力不足多见坎,实力够了可通关。生命是种回音,付出了什么,才会得到什么;送出了什么,才能收获什么。Mental poverty, more reading; poor physique, hard exercise; insufficient resources, more supplements; lack of horsepower, early charging. Insufficient capacity is common, enough strength can be cleared. Life is an echo, what we give, what we get; what we give, what we get.

二、我知道我的脾气不好,如果你不能忍,你就应该好好反省一下你自己,为什么别人可以。善待你遇到的每一个人,向他们微笑。你不知道他们正在经历什么,也许他们今天正需要你的微笑,並会把它珍藏。I know my temper is bad. If you can stand it, you should reflect on yourself and why others can. Be kind to everyone you meet and smile at them. You don know what they e going through. Maybe they need your smile today and will treasure it.

三、为了对他好,假装对所有人都好,想对他继续好,却又害怕是打扰。In order to be good to him, pretend to be good to everyone, want to continue to be good to him, but fear is to disturb.

四、能让你精致的,除了化妆品,最厉害的是知识、努力和爱。很多时候我们害怕的不是一个人的离开,怕的是那个人留下来的习惯,因为ta已经融入到了你的生活中,一时间的离开,会让你变得不适应,就好像生活中缺少了什么一样。What makes you delicate, besides cosmetics, is knowledge, effort and love. Most of the time, we are not afraid of the departure of a person, but of the habits left behind by that person, because TA has been integrated into your life, leaving for a while will make you unfit, just like what is missing in life.

五、人生中大多数的痛苦不是别人给你造成的,而是自己跟自己过不去。实际上,每个人都会遭受到两支箭的攻击:第一支箭是外界射向你的,它就是我们经常遇到的困难和挫折本身;第二支箭是自己射向自己的,它就是因困难和挫折而产生的负面情绪。Most of the pain in life is not caused by others, but by oneself. In fact, everyone will be attacked by two arrows: the first arrow is shot at you from outside, it is the difficulties and setbacks we often encounter; the second arrow is shot at ourselves, it is the negative emotions caused by difficulties and setbacks.

六、那些刻在椅背后的爱情,会不会像水泥地上的花朵,开出地老天荒的,没有风的森林。收拾过年的心情,踏上返岗的征程,我祝你事业如日中天,恋人亲密无间,工资成万上千,快乐永远无边,烦恼如缕云烟,逍遥胜似神仙!Will the love carved behind the chair, like the flowers on the cement floor, come out of the wilderness and windless forest? Clean up the mood of the New Year, embark on the journey back to work, I wish you the best of luck in your career, intimate lover, thousands of salaries, happiness forever boundless, troubles like clouds, happy than immortals!

七、自信是一个人的胆,有了这个胆,你就会所向披靡。只要懂得欣赏,即使是一片空白也能是一段幸福美丽的时光。Self-confidence is a persons courage, with this courage, you will be invincible. As long as you know how to appreciate, even a blank space can be a happy and beautiful time.

八、有些心酸,有些痛,别人未必懂,有些辛苦,有些累,外人未必明。生活就是这样无奈,日子就是这样无情,理解你的,不说也懂,不理解你的,说了也会不懂。人生就是这样,路是一步一步走出来的,情是一点一点换回来的,人生也是这样一页一页真实翻过来的。Some sad, some pain, others may not understand, some hard, some tired, outsiders may not be clear. Life is so helpless, the day is so ruthless, understand you, do not say and understand, do not understand you, said will not understand. Life is like this, the road is step by step out, love is a little bit back, life is also such a page by page true turn over.

九、爱情也好,友情也罢,一旦产生了矛盾了,如果不及时去交流解决,等着让时间去冲刷、淡忘,可随着时间的推移,你们的关系、你们的感情多半也会随之而去。Love or friendship, once a contradiction arises, if you do not communicate and solve it in time, wait for time to wash away and forget, but over time, your relationship and your feelings will mostly go with it.

十、 人生的奋斗目标不要太大,认准了一件事情,投入兴趣与热情坚持去做,你就会成功。曾经一个朋友给我讲过一个故事,一棵树爱上了马路对面的另一个棵树,我问她然后呢,她说然后就没有然后了。很久以后我才懂,不可能的事,开始就是结束。Don aim too hard in life. If you recognize one thing and stick to it with interest and enthusiasm, you will succeed. A friend once told me a story about a tree falling in love with another tree across the street. I asked her what happened then, she said, and then there was no more. It took me a long time to understand that the impossible is the end of the beginning.

十一、生活就像海洋,只有意志坚强的人,才能到达彼岸。Life is like an ocean. Only a man of strong will can reach the other shore.

十二、你脾气不是很好,可能因为你长期压抑动物本能的原因,改天你去找点母狗骑骑,说不定,对狗生又充满了希望。或者我直接带你去做阉割手术,你的价值观说不定就改变了。”You are not very good temper, maybe because you have long suppressed animal instincts, you go to find some bitches to ride another day, maybe, full of hope for the dog. Or if I take you straight to castration, your values may change.

十三、人在年轻的时候,觉得到处都是人,别人的事就是你的事,到了中年以后,才觉得世界上除了家人已经一无所有了。When people are young, they feel that there are people everywhere and that other peoples affairs are yours. After middle age, they feel that there is nothing in the world except their families.

十四、生命是一部逆旅传奇,总在用伤痛稀释幸福,用平淡掩埋辉煌,总有几多苦雨寒箫之幽怨,几多月落星暗之悲凉。原来,平静才是人生的原貌,凡俗才是现实的写照。那些偶尔的潮涌,不过是时光闭合中的点缀,终会在生命的退潮中黯然地淡去。没有持久的繁华,没有永驻的快乐,在平淡中学着平静吧。Life is a legend of adversity, always diluting happiness with pain, burying brilliance with insipidity, there are always many bitter rains and cold grievances, and the sadness of setting stars in months. Originally, tranquility is the original appearance of life, and vulgarity is the portrayal of reality. Those occasional tides, but the embellishment of the closure of time, will eventually fade away in the ebb of life. There is no lasting prosperity, no lasting happiness, learn calm in the plain.

十五、很多时候你不逼自己一把,你就不知道你还有能把事情搞砸的本事。选择放弃很容易,但要在别人都不看好的情况下,仍然坚持在一起极为不易!、没有谁瞧不起你,因为别人根本就没有瞧你。Many times, if you don push yourself, you don know that you still have the ability to screw things up. Its easy to choose to give up, but its hard to stick together even when others don like it. No one despises you, because no one else looks at you at all.

十六、生活总是起伏跌荡,在这变迁的岁月里,人生没有如果,只有后果和结果,过去的不再回来,回来的不再完美。没有过不去的坎,只有过不去的人。慢慢地,不再流泪;慢慢地,一切都会过去。Life is always ups and downs, in these changing years, life has no if, only consequences and results, the past is no longer back, back is no longer perfect. There are no obstacles that cannot be overcome, only those who can not be overcome. Slowly, no more tears; Slowly, everything will pass.

十七、人不能总是怀旧,沉迷于往事中,过去的一些事情该放下的放下,不能总是念念不忘,这对自己的身心不利,有害无益。功与过都是昨日的生活结果,过去的不足之处已经用行动弥补,得到应有的惩戒,并为之付出代价。今天我们不会再犯类似的错误。People can not always be nostalgic, indulge in the past, some things in the past should be put down, can not always remember, which is not good for their physical and mental, harmful and useless. Both merits and demerits are the result of yesterdays life. The shortcomings of the past have been remedied by actions, punished and paid for. We will not make similar mistakes today.

十八、我以为别人尊重我,是因为我很优秀。慢慢的我明白了,别人尊重我,是因为别人很优秀;优秀的人更懂得尊重别人。对人恭敬其实是在庄严你自己。I think people respect me because I am excellent. Slowly I understand that others respect me because others are excellent; excellent people know how to respect others more. To be respectful to others is to solemnize yourself.
