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适合发朋友圈的情感说说短语 送给此刻心情不好的你!

时间:2021-06-16 08:29:25


适合发朋友圈的情感说说短语 送给此刻心情不好的你!

一、生活里的烦恼,来的多和少,去的快和慢,都取决于对人生的认识,如果紧紧纠缠那些不靠谱的小情绪,或者是一些自己的固执和成见,不是命运在为难谁,其实是烦恼遮掩了智慧。静静的迎接人生,静静的接受,静静的观察,静静的走过,你会发现活过的这场人生,完美无缺。Troubles in life, whether they come more or less, whether they go faster or slower, all depend on the understanding of life. If you cling to those unreliable little emotions, or some of your own stubbornness and prejudices, its not fate whos in trouble. In fact, troubles cover up wisdom. Quietly welcome life, quietly accept, quietly observe, quietly walk through, you will find this life, perfect.

二、芳华锦雅,流年素淡。凝望春光无限,诗和远方,依旧藏在梦里。沿着花开的方向,剪一眸春色,寄给有梦的远方。不期而遇的时光里,邂逅一段安暖岁月,将阳光的种子,撒满海个角落,期许,每个清浅的日子,都灿漫如花。is elegant and elegant, and its life is simple. Looking at the infinite spring, poetry and distance, still hidden in dreams. Along the direction of flowers, cut a glance at spring, send to the distant dream. In the unexpected time, encounter a warm period of time, the seeds of sunshine, scattered all over the corners of the sea, hope, every shallow day, can be like flowers.

三、人生是稿子,脚印有如文字。生活不一定是一直美好的,愿意放弃才不会苦,适度知足才不会悔;记住感恩才不会怨,懂得珍惜才不会愧。人生,在心淡中求满足,在尽责中求心安,在奉献中求快乐,在忠诚中求幸福。life is a manuscript, footprints are like words. Life is not always good, willing to give up will not suffer, moderate contentment will not regret; remember that gratitude will not complain, know how to cherish will not be ashamed. Life seeks satisfaction in indifference, peace of mind in due diligence, happiness in devotion and happiness in loyalty.

四、你心底是否也住着这样一个人:已不是恋人,也成不了朋友,时间过去,无关乎喜不喜欢,但是总会很习惯的想起他,然后希望他一切都好。Do you have a person in your heart who is no longer a lover or a friend? Time passes and it doesn matter whether you like him or not, but you are always used to thinking of him and hope that everything will be all right.

五、时间是不会为我们停留?曾经看过的夕阳,听过的潮落,都被时间掩埋,幻成泡沫。我曾说,这一生能够遇见你,一个这样优秀的你,已经足够。这是一碗毒鸡汤,我不断地告诉别人,却无法劝慰自己。我依然会深夜流泪,依然会深深怀念你,依然还有点喜欢你,依然不想过早忘记你。time will not stay for us? Ever seen the sunset, heard the tide, are buried by time, illusion into a bubble. I once said, this life can meet you, such an excellent you, is enough. Its a bowl of poisonous chicken soup. I keep telling people, but I can comfort myself. I will still cry late at night, still deeply miss you, still like you a little, still do not want to forget you prematurely.

六、这是个躁动的时代,平静生活的表层下,暗潮汹涌,不甘寂寞的心灵致使空气中都弥漫着暧昧的味道。但暧昧不是谁都可以玩得起,暧昧是一个陷阱,自以为聪明的女人恐怕会落得反被男人所误的下场。is an era of agitation. Under the surface of quiet life, the dark tide is surging, and the unwilling loneliness of the mind makes the air full of ambiguity. But ambiguity is not something everyone can afford. Ambiguity is a trap. Women who think they are smart may end up being mistaken by men.

七、所以往事有什么好提的呢,从来只有失败的人会对过往的美好念念不忘,想抱紧悬崖上那根脆弱的树枝,恰恰让自己的坠落在这番徒劳中显得更加悲情。我怎么肯承认自己的失败。这个世界上总有很多人过得不快乐,觉得过去太美好,现在太糟糕,未来太缥缈。has nothing to mention about the past. Only those who fail will never forget the past. They want to cling to the fragile branch on the cliff and make their fall more sad in this futile way. How can I admit my failure? There are always many people in this world who are unhappy, feel that the past is too good, the present is too bad, and the future is too dim.

八、最终你相信什么,就能成为什么。因为世界上最可怕的两个词,一个叫执着,一个叫认真,认真的人改变自己,执着的人改变命运。只要在路上,就没有到不了的地方。走正确的路,放无心的手,结有道之朋,断无义之友,饮清净之茶,戒色花之酒,闭是非之口。Ultimately, what you believe will become what you believe. Because the worlds two most terrible words, one is called persistence, one is called serious, serious people change themselves, persistent people change their destiny. As long as on the road, there is no place out of reach. Take the right path, let go of careless hands, make friends with Tao, break friends without righteousness, drink clean tea, abstain from the wine of color and flowers, and close the mouth of right and wrong.

九、 后来才发现,并不是所有的喜欢都会有结果,终究要明白,遇见就已经很难得,我会好好珍惜那段记忆,而不是再珍惜你,就算偶尔想起,也不会再联系。你匿名而来,却说着只有我们两个能听懂的话;你在表达着不舍,却一直劝我要学会放下执念。later found that not all likes will have results, after all, to understand that meeting has been very rare, I will cherish that memory, rather than cherish you, even if occasionally think of, will not contact. You came anonymously and said something that only the two of us could understand; you were expressing your reluctance, but persuaded me to learn to let go of my persistence.

十、活着就无法避免被别人说闲话,有人说你是非,说明有人在意你。害怕被别人诟病而不去做自己喜欢做的事,那是对自己的不公。你好会有人说你,你不好也会有人说你,没有口水的人生缺乏世俗的色彩。can avoid being gossiped by others when its alive. Some people say you e right or wrong, which means someone cares about you. Fear of being criticized by others and not doing what you like is unfair to yourself. Hello, there will be people who say you, you are not good, there will be people who say you, life without saliva lacks secular color.

十一、我不明白为什么要那么在意别人的看法,评头论足只是无聊人的消遣,何必看得如临大敌。如果你不吃别人家的饭,就别太把别人的话放在心上。错的人就是错的人,从来不会因为你能忍,或者能熬多点时间,就变成对的人,该走的还是要走。I don understand why I care so much about other peoples opinions. Its just a bores pastime to make comments. Why should I look like an enemy? If you don eat other peoples food, don take other peoples words too seriously. The wrong person is the wrong person. You will never be the right person because you can bear it, or because you can spend more time. You still have to go.

十二、有些人独钟一味,有些人喜好尝鲜,如果爱情不能做舒服的自己,还不如回归到单身算了! 有时候我们明明知道这段感情不会再发生任何可能,但我们还是安慰着告诉自己很多遍不要放弃,然后傻傻地等了一年又一年,最后非要把自己弄得遍体鳞伤才甘愿放手。has some people who are fond of tasting fresh. If love can be comfortable for themselves, its better to go back to singleness. Sometimes we know that this relationship will never happen again, but we still comfort ourselves by telling ourselves many times not to give up, and then foolishly wait year after year, finally we have to make ourselves all over again bruised before we are willing to let go. & lt; br/>

十三、有人抱怨生活不公,却从来不想着自我改变;有人努力了很久,但总是在最关键的时刻中途而止…没有人生来就是王者。成长路上,不要总想着何处有亮光,你只管向前跑。记住,梦想不是空口无凭的大话,而是在寂静的奋斗里努力生长的果实。Some people complain about unfair life, but never want to change themselves; Some people work hard for a long time, but always stop in the middle of the most critical moment. No one is born king. When you grow up, don always think about where the light is, just run forward. Remember, dreams are not empty talk, but the fruit of hard work in silent struggle.

十四、这个世界,已经有很多人和事让你失望了,而最不应该的,就是自己还令自己失望。一定要记住:社会很残酷,你要活得有温度。world, there have been many people and things to disappoint you, and the most undesirable thing is that they also let themselves down. Its important to remember that society is cruel and you have to live a warm life.

十五、你可以从细微中体会到对方对自己的爱意和关心,一个人若不能真正做到“懂你”,那他的爱,会越浅,越磨人……爱情是一种相处,是一种细水长流,而聊天才是婚姻里最好的良药。You can feel the love and concern of the other party from the subtle. If a person can not really "understand you", then his love will be shallower and more grinding…… Love is a way of getting along with each other, and chatting is the best medicine in marriage.

十六、有些谎言,是不能拆穿的。因为,真话会更伤人。 有些心痛,是无药可救的。因为,他会随时随地的复发。 有些人,是爱而不得的。因为,彼此的身边,始终没有空缺。有些爱,是无法诉说的。因为,说出来会更卑微。has some lies that can be debunked. Because the truth hurts more people. Some heartaches are hopeless. Because he will relapse anywhere and anytime. Some people do not get what they love. Because, each others side, there is always no vacancy. Some love can be told. Because its more humble to say it. & lt; br /& gt;

十七、不要去巴结一个人,用暂时没有朋友的时间,去提升自己的能力,待到时机成熟时,就会有一众的朋友与你同行。用人情做出来的朋友只是暂时的,用人格吸引来的朋友才是长久的。所以,丰富自己比取悦他人更有力量。don try to butter up a person, use the time without friends to improve their ability, when the time is ripe, there will be a group of friends with you. Friends made of human feelings are only temporary, but friends drawn by personality are long-term. So enriching yourself is more powerful than pleasing others.
