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丧系句子‖没有谁会一直陪着谁 王子没来 公主也应该照顾好自己

时间:2022-05-06 11:25:58


丧系句子‖没有谁会一直陪着谁 王子没来 公主也应该照顾好自己


I used to chat with someone I like, and the other party ignored me, so I felt very irritable and anxious. I wanted to keep looking for him all the time. I was wondering what he was doing now, but now I can .


Love is not control and take, love is acceptance and respect.


No one will always accompany who, the Prince did not come, the princess should also take care of herself.


When you see me again next time, I will become mature and steady, extremely gentle, I have everything you want, but there is no you in my eyes. As for the process, you don have to know.


The reason for the screen capture is that I am afraid that I will never have a chance to hear that kind of words in the future. I collect chatting voice because I have a premonition that I will never hear that tender again.


Tears are very strange. When you are in pain, when you are tired, when you are tired, when you are wronged, it can still hold back, but as long as someone gently comforts you, it can help it.

从来没有人正式跟我说 “我们在一起吧”,然而到最后都会正式地跟我说 “对不起”。

No one has ever said to me, "lets be together." however, in the end, they will formally say "Im sorry.".


I just feel sorry, really, from the beginning of knowing him, I always look on his side every time. He never talked to me or even looked at me. Im just sorry.

我觉得见面沟通太重要了 对着屏幕什么狠话都说得出;见面就不一样了,见面会心软,会看到泪光,会得到拥抱。

I think its very important to meet and communicate with each other. Its different when we meet. When we meet, well be soft hearted, well see tears and well get hugs.


