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近日沙雕女孩喜欢的句子 皮到没对手!

时间:2018-09-20 23:39:03


近日沙雕女孩喜欢的句子 皮到没对手!

一、有时候真不想打工了 可是想到老家的情况再看看自身的条件又不得不咬牙坚持今天家里来电话了下暴雨屋里漏得不行鸡又跑了2只没回家心好累啊

Sometimes I really don want to work, but when I think about my hometown and look at my own conditions, I have to grind my teeth and insist that there was a phone call from my home today. There were no chickens leaking from the house during the torrential rain. It was very tiring not to go home after two more chickens.


Who is looking for me to fall in love in May, I will go to you to cut wheat in June to help you lick corn in September, don feel bad about me, I grew up in the countryside and worked very hard.

三、你应该和我交往的三个理由 1我长得丑,没人跟你抢 2我们站在一起,你会显得比较帅气 3我有时候还蛮可爱的 4求你了

Three reasons why you should associate with me 1. I am ugly, and no one will rob me 2. if we stand together, you will look handsome 3. I am sometimes quite lovely 4. please


618 really don know what to buy. Can you transfer me to 52 to buy my good morning and good night for a month, dear


It was so hot and sweaty that no one invited me to eat ice cream. I wrote down the enmity in MoMos society first.


You look like Mona Lisas sister Jenny Martha.

七、其实我也很会演戏 我每天都在假装又憨又傻雕 但其实不是 真正的我是一个温柔话少脾气好 而且还不会说脏话的美少女

In fact, I am also very good at acting. I pretend to be silly and silly every day, but I am not the real one. I am a beautiful girl with gentle words, little temper and no foul language.

八、今天在小区门口捡到一万本着拾金不昧的精神我在原地等了五个小时 没人来 我很纳闷 缺了一万那副麻将还能打吗?

Today, I found 10 thousand at the door of the community. In the spirit of picking up the money, I waited for five hours in the same place. No one came. I wondered if I could play 10 thousand mahjong?


The most weight-losing fruit is cherries. If you insist on eating cherries once a day, you basically have no money to buy other food.


Embarrassed, wearing a mask and hat to buy breakfast or recognized beauty to eat something?

十一、追不到就不追了 你见过哪个公主跟在癞蛤蟆后面跑的

If you can , you won . Which princess did you see running after toad?


My friend has been urging me to marry a rich man in the future. funny, don urge me, ok? To persuade the rich, I am willing to

十三、我饿了 你们关心吗 我渴了 你们关心吗 我没钱 你们关心吗 我发什么你们只知道

Do you care if I am hungry? Do you care if I am thirsty? Do you care if I have no money? Do you care what I send? All you know is


I washed my head and lost a lot of hair, but I am not sad because I still have a head, but my head has nothing.


Last night, I dreamed that a child shot me with a bow and arrow, and I beat him. He said he would not dare again. I stopped and asked him what his name was. He said he was Cupid.

十六、在座的各位连的什么网 能介绍一下嘛,为什么我家的网就不能网恋?

Can you tell me about the internet that everyone here connected to? why can our internet love each other?

十七、别人赖床是因为有钱想睡多晚就睡多晚 我赖床是因为没钱 能省一餐是一餐

Others stay in bed as late as they want because they have money, and I stay in bed as late as I want because I have no money to save a meal or a meal.

十八、你踩了别人aj一脚可以不道歉 但是踩到了我的豆豆鞋那不是一句道歉就能解决的问题了

You may not apologize if you step on someone elses aj foot, but stepping on my bean shoes is not a problem that can be solved by an apology.

十九、我牙齿换好了 去年的裤子穿不下了 你说喜欢之前那条 妈妈又给我买了条新的 的确你这个笨蛋不会发现这是首藏头诗

My teeth have been changed, and last years trousers can fit. Before you said you liked them, the mother bought me a new one. Indeed, you idiot won find this is a Tibetan poem.

二十、我不好意思连麦 我怕你听到我家点钞机的声音 更害怕你听到我家女佣喊我公主

Im sorry, Mike. I was afraid youd hear my money counter and youd be more afraid youd hear my maid call me princess
