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几何图 geometrical figures英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-07 15:04:27


几何图 geometrical figures英语短句 例句大全

几何图,geometrical figures

1)geometrical figures几何图

1.And simplegeometrical figures were chosen as stimuli.本研究以一套简单几何图形作为刺激材料,在同等控制条件下,检测比较两种眼动仪(EyelinkⅡ和Tobii T120)的实验性能,研究显示:一、两种眼动仪在相同的实验条件下记录到的注视次数和注视点时间有显著差异,表现为EyelinkⅡ记录到的注视次数显著大于Tobii T120所记录的,记录到的注视点时间显著小于Tobii T120所记录的。


1.The building has intricate geometrical designs on several of the walls.建筑物的几面墙上有复杂的几何图案。

2.A physical arrangement suggesting geometric forms or lines.几何排列表明几何图形或线条的一种物质排列

3.a rug with a geometric design;以几何图形为图案的地毯;

4.To form(a geometric figure) by describing a curve or surface.形成(几何图形)用画曲线或面来作出(一个几何图形)

5.Seen from above, the fields looked like a geometrical pattern.从高处往下看, 那些农田像是几何图案.

6.See from above, the field look like a geometrical pattern从高处往下看,那些农田像是几何图案

7.A planar surface of a geometric solid.表面几何图形的多面体的表面

8.The cube is a solid geometric figure.立方体是一个牢固的几何图形。

9.A figure of six lines or sides.六线形有六条线或边的几何图形

10.A geometric figure having all sides equal.等边形所有各边都相等的几何图形

11.The stimuli were 20 irregular geometric figures.刺激材料为20个不规则几何图形。

12.The Mandala - Sacred Geometry and Art曼荼罗——神圣的几何图形和象征艺术

13.First it was fruit slices placed in geometric pattern;开始时是以几何图形排列的水果片。

14.The geometrical representation makes the abstract concept pictorial.几何图象使得抽象概念形象化。

15.geometric layout几何学的布置布线图

16.inconsistence of geometrical construction几何作图的不相容性

17.Descriptive Geometry & Mechanical Graphing画法几何及机械制图

18.International Society for Geometry and Graphics(ISGG)国际几何学与图学学会


Geometry image几何图像

pounded geometry image representation of point cloud surfaces and its application;点云曲面的复合几何图像表示及其应用

2.An adaptive curvature simplification method for point-sampled model is presented based on geometry images.提出一种基于几何图像的曲率自适应点模型简化算法。

3.Geometry image is the result of converting the space geometry information totradition images.几何图像是近年来提出的将空间几何信息转换到传统图像而产生的结果。

3)geometric figure几何图形

1.On Kant,Husserl and Wittgenstein s Approaches to the Philosophical Thought of Geometric Figure;论康德、胡塞尔与维特根斯坦关于几何图形的哲学思考

2.Finally the paper shows the realization of algorithm by vc++ language,which can recognise the regulargeometric figure in the computer using this program.对规则几何图形进行了分析,并对识别的算法和实现进行了分析与研究。

3.This paper defines fuzzy sets, researches some problems of fuzzy mathematic and discusses the subjects ofgeometric figure with the concept of convex sets.定义了 Fuuzy集 ,研究了 Fuzzy数学中的几个问题 ,用凸集概念讨论了几何图形的题

4)composition of geometry几何构图

5)Geometrical construction几何作图

1.By means of the mechanism that climatic cyclical variation affect water content of expansive soil foundation bed,the method of geometrical construction basing on the depth of influence is established.利用气候的周期性变化对膨胀土地基含水量影响的机理 ,建立基于影响进深的几何作图法 ,并用该方法来分析探讨地基内的含水量变化沿水平方向的差异分

6)geometrical figure几何图形

1.The problems of optimization and optimalgeometrical figure of the resection are discussed in the paper, moreover, a practical and simple method for determining the reliable point position is given.该文讨论了后方交会的优化及最佳几何图形问题 ,文中还给出一种实用而简单的判定可靠点位的方法。


