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激光雷达图像 laser radar image英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-25 04:28:46


激光雷达图像 laser radar image英语短句 例句大全

激光雷达图像,laser radar image

1)laser radar image激光雷达图像

1.It is difficult to get perfect result using a single filter algorithm to deal withlaser radar image.单一算法对激光雷达图像的滤波很难达到实用的理想效果,本文分析了激光雷达图像的噪声特点和各种滤波算法的优势,提出一种基于RBF神经网络的激光雷达图像滤波融合算法,仿真的结果显示了该算法能够在噪声抑制和信息熵保持两个方面都能达到很好的效果。


1.Image Fusion of the Camera and the Imaging Ladar三维成像激光雷达图像与摄像机图像的融合

2.Numerical Simulation for Pulsed 3D Ladar Images脉冲式3D激光雷达图像数值模拟技术

3.Applied Research on Moment Invariant in Lader Image Recognition;用于激光雷达图像识别的不变矩特征向量研究

4.Quick Lidar Image-drawing Algorithm Based Look-up Table基于查找表的激光雷达图像快速绘制算法

5.Research of unequal error protection method based on JPEG2000 wireless for airborne synthetic aperture laser radar image基于JPWL的机载合成孔径激光雷达图像错误恢复方法研究

6.The Design and Implementation of the Image Fusing Matching System for Image Laser Radar;激光成像雷达图像融合匹配系统的设计与实现

7.Rotating objects imaging of synthetic aperture imaging lidar合成孔径成像激光雷达旋转目标成像

8.Synthetic Aperture Imaging Ladar Imaging Algorithm合成孔径成像激光雷达成像算法研究

9.The Study of Imaging Ladar Range Resolution and Image Resolution Based on Moment Invariants Recognition基于不变矩识别的激光雷达距离分辨率与图像分辨率研究

10.Investigation into the High-speed Pulsed Laser Diode 3D-imaging Ladar;脉冲半导体激光器高速三维成像激光雷达研究

11.Study on Laser Beams Transmitting Characteristic of Non-Scanned Imaging Lidar;无扫描成像激光雷达激光束传输特性研究

12.Technique of Improved Signal-to-noise Ratio for Imaging Lidar;激光成像雷达信噪比改善技术的研究

13.Study on Receiver of Imaging Lidar;半导体激光成像雷达接收电路的研制

14.Design of image intensifier shutter controller based on lidar system激光雷达中像增强器快门控制器设计

15.Design on the experiment optical system of synthetic aperture imaging lidar合成孔径成像激光雷达实验系统设计

16.Sensitivity equation of scannerless pulse imaging lidar非扫描脉冲成像激光雷达灵敏度方程

17.a distinct blip appeared on the radar screen.雷达荧光屏上出现了明晰的图像。

18.3D Scannerless Imaging LiDAR: Principles and Simulations无扫描三维成像激光雷达原理分析与成像仿真


Lidar image procession激光雷达图像处理

3)imaging laser radar激光成像雷达

1.This paper expounds its schematic diagram,then designs the simulation ofimaging laser radar and gives the methods of key modules realizing.介绍激光成像雷达在制导技术上的应用,给出激光成像雷达制导系统工作原理图。

2.Imaging laser radar is a new type imaging radar.激光成像雷达是一种新型成像雷达,图像匹配处理机的使用是该雷达导航应用的先决条件之一。

4)imaging laser radar成像激光雷达

1.Terrain-aided navigation system basedonimaging laser radar;基于成像激光雷达的地形辅助导航研究

2.Research on Multi-dimensional Data Processing and 3D Reconstruction of Imaging Laser Radar;成像激光雷达多维数据处理与三维重构研究

3.Imaging laser radar is used widely in weapon systems,and the performance of weapon system automatic target recognition(ATR) is increased by using theimaging laser radar.成像激光雷达在武器系统中广泛应用,显著提高了系统的自动目标识别性能。

5)Imaging lidar激光成像雷达

1.Terrain re-sampling of imaging lidar based on support vector machines;基于支持向量机的激光成像雷达地形重采样

6)laser imaging radar激光成像雷达

1.The composition oflaser imaging radar for air detection with linear array Avalanche Photodiode (APD) and scanning mirror is introduced.本文提出了线阵扫描式激光成像雷达的组成方案,对激光发射、成像接收、分析处理等各个分系统的设计方法进行了详细探讨。

2.Through optimizing the algorithm of SVM,it is embedded into digital signal processing(DSP) oflaser imaging radar,achieving the function of target recognition,which has high pract.激光成像雷达的空间分辨率较高,能成四维像(强度像+三维距离像),适合作目标识别探测器。

3.In this paper, an algorithm which process the single image of CO2laser imaging radar is presented.针对实际处理单幅CO_2激光成像雷达图像的问题,提出了算法简单快速的有阈值限定的中值滤波和同态均值滤波组合的图像处理方法,其处理后的图像散斑指数为0。


