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unity 骨骼击碎_保证击碎$ 100挑战的创新策略

时间:2020-07-05 20:46:42


unity 骨骼击碎_保证击碎$ 100挑战的创新策略

unity 骨骼击碎

by Glenn Gonda

由Glenn Gonda

保证击碎$ 100挑战的创新策略 (A Creative Strategy Guaranteed to Crush the $100 Challenge)

Before I became a software engineer, I made my living as a recording studio engineer. I have a non-traditional background and I actually used that to my advantage during my job search. Thanks in part to my audio background, I was able to land an engineering role at a music startup.

在成为软件工程师之前,我以录音室工程师为生。 我有非传统背景,实际上在求职时利用了这一优势。 部分由于我的音频背景,我能够在音乐初创公司担任工程职位。

Recently, I discovered the Breaking Into Startups podcast. It features inspirational stories from people in tech who come from non-traditional backgrounds. I can relate to the stories and have championed the podcast to many people in my network.

最近,我发现了Breaking Into Startups播客。 它以来自非传统背景的高科技人士的励志故事为特色。 我可以讲述这些故事,并向我的网络中的许多人推荐了播客。

Each episode highlights a different person’s journey into the tech industry. Towards the end, the hosts ask each guest a series of “lightning round” questions. It kicks off with, what I call, the $100 challenge:

每个插曲都强调了一个不同的人进入科技行业的旅程。 最后,主持人向每位客人提出一系列“闪电回合”的问题。 我以$ 100的挑战开始了:

“Let’s assume you’re starting all over again. You only have $100 and you’re dropped off in a new city. What would you do to get where you are today?”
“假设您要重新开始。 您只有100美元,而您却被送往了一个新城市。 您将如何实现今天的目标?”

Guests have provided interesting answers such as driving for Lyft and attending Meetups. One guest even quipped that he’d use the $100 to buy a ticket back to the Bay Area.

来宾提供了有趣的答案,例如驾驶Lyft和参加聚会。 一位客人甚至打趣说,他会用这100美元买回海湾地区的机票。

After listening to an episode on a flight to Hawai’i, it got my creative juices flowing. When the episode was over, I asked myself what I’d do if I had to start all over. I had another 4 hours to kill before landing in Hilo, so I decided to take the $100 challenge head on.

听完飞往夏威夷的一集节目后,我的创意源源不断。 剧集结束后,我问自己如果必须从头开始,该怎么办。 在降落到希洛之前,我还有4小时要杀死,所以我决定继续挑战$ 100。

This challenge isn’t as simple as I thought it’d be. It actually generated even more questions than answers.

这个挑战并不像我想象的那么简单。 实际上,它产生的问题多于答案。

I realized that I had to make some assumptions that aren’t made clear during the podcast. It almost feels like I’m solving an algorithm on a whiteboard during an interview. I have to do more discovery around the problem before I try to solve it.

我意识到我必须做出一些在播客过程中不清楚的假设。 几乎感觉就像我在面试中在白板上求解一个算法。 在尝试解决该问题之前,我必须对问题进行更多的发现。

设置 (The setup)

To start, I’ve defined the following constraints:


I can bring anything I currently own with me as long as it fits in my backpack and one carry-on sized luggage.只要能放在背包和一个随身携带的行李箱中,我现在就可以随身带任何东西。 I can’t sell anything I bring with me.我带的东西都卖不出去。 I can’t borrow money from anyone, but I can call in one favor from three different people I know.我不能向任何人借钱,但是我可以请三个我认识的人帮忙。 I’ve paid my bills for the next 3 months, but I can’t use any of my available credit during the job search.我已经为接下来的3个月支付了账单,但是在求职期间我无法使用任何可用的信用额度。

I’ve arranged a free place to stay during my job search via Couchsurfing.

通过Couchsurfing寻找工作期间,我已经安排了一个免费的住宿地点 。

I am given a crispy $100 bill before my departure.出发前,我得到一张100美元的脆皮钞票。 I am relocating to Portland since it’s the closest metropolitan area where I don’t know anyone.我要搬到波特兰,因为它是我最近不认识的大都市地区。 I’ll have to make my living in Portland for the next 12 months.接下来的12个月,我将不得不在波特兰生活。

With these constraints defined, I have to be thoughtful about a couple of things. First, I need to be resourceful above all else. Second, everything I bring on this adventure has to serve a purpose.

在定义了这些约束之后,我必须考虑两件事。 首先,我必须比其他人更加机智。 第二,我为这次冒险带来的一切都必须达到目的。

I’m packing a duffel bag full of clothes including my Telegraph Academy hoody. My goal is to wear it around Portland and leverage the school and its mission as a topic of conversation.

我正在打包一个装满衣服的行李袋,包括我的Telegraph Academy帽衫。 我的目标是将它戴在波特兰周围,并利用学校及其使命作为话题。

My backpack will hold other money-making essentials. Every day, I plan to carry around my laptop, camera, and a copy of Cracking the Coding Interview.

我的背包将容纳其他赚钱的必需品。 每天,我计划随身携带笔记本电脑,相机和一份《 破解编码访谈》 。

Now, comes the tricky part. I have to identify my needs and estimate my costs for a three-month long job search. These needs will elevate my budget above $100, but I view it as a necessary investment to put me in a position to succeed.

现在,棘手的部分来了。 我必须确定自己的需求,并估算为期三个月的长期求职所需的成本。 这些需求将使我的预算提高到100美元以上,但是我认为这是使我能够成功的必要投资。

到达城市 (Arriving in the city)

First, I’ll need an affordable and efficient way to get around Portland. Then, I’ll need to rent a desk at a co-working space to give me a place to network and be productive. A music nerd like myself will not be able to function without music, so I’ll need a Spotify subscription. A vast tutorial resource for preparing for code challenges and interviews is critical. Finally, I’ll need a way to edit photos.

首先,我需要一种负担得起且高效的方式来游览波特兰。 然后,我需要在一个联合办公空间租用一张桌子,以便给我一个交流和提高生产力的地方。 像我这样的音乐书呆子将无法在没有音乐的情况下工作,因此我需要Spotify订阅。 至关重要的是,准备大量的教程资源来应对代码挑战和访谈。 最后,我需要一种编辑照片的方法。

After conducting some quick research, my costs will be:


$100/month for a public transportation pass每月$ 100的公共交通通行证 $295/month for a desk at WeWorkWeWork的办公桌每月$ 295 $10/month for a Spotify premium subscriptionSpotify高级订阅每月10美元 $29/month for a Pluralsight subscription每月29美元即可获得Pluralsight订阅 $10/month for an Adobe Creative Cloud Photography subscription每月$ 10的Adobe Creative Cloud Photography订阅

I’ve already spent more than the $100 I will arrive to Portland with. Based off of this list, I need to generate about $450 every month. Yikes!

我已经花了超过将要带到波特兰的100美元。 根据此列表,我每月需要产生约450美元。 kes!

After arriving in Portland, the first thing I’ll do is sign up for daily job alerts, but it’s not what you’d expect. I’ll actually sign up for jobs I don’t want because then I’ll know what’s waiting for me the moment I stop hustling. I want the reminder every morning that if I don’t give my best that day, I’ll end up applying to one of those jobs.

到达波特兰后,我要做的第一件事就是注册每日工​​作警报,但这不是您期望的。 实际上,我会报名参加我不想要的工作,因为那样一来,当我停止忙碌的那一刻,我就会知道什么在等着我。 我希望每天早晨提醒我,如果那天我不尽力,我最终会申请其中一份工作。

Next, I need to think about how to make more money to cover my needs. This is where resources like Nerdwallet can be so valuable.

接下来,我需要考虑如何赚更多的钱来满足我的需求。 在这里,像Nerdwallet这样的资源可以变得如此有价值。

I recently discovered a bank promotion that would help me fund my expenses during the job search. With a $25 deposit, the bank offers a $250 bonus on new checking accounts. The kicker is that there’s no minimum daily balance or need for direct deposit. This is where my first $25 will go.

最近,我发现了一项银行促销活动,这将有助于我在求职期间为我的支出提供资金。 有了25美元的存款,银行就可以为新的支票帐户提供250美元的奖金。 更重要的是,没有最低每日余额,也不需要直接存款。 这是我的第一个$ 25会去的地方。

Now it’s time to cash in on my favors. I’ll transfer $25 to three of my family members and have them to open a checking account with that promotion. Then, they’ll transfer $275 back to my account and I’ll thank them until they can no longer stand it and hang up on me. With a little effort, I now have $1,000 more than what I arrived with.

现在是时候兑现我的恩惠了。 我将$ 25转移给我的三个家庭成员,并让他们在该促销活动中开设支票帐户。 然后,他们会将275美元转回我的帐户,我会感谢他们,直到他们无法忍受并挂断我的电话。 稍加努力,我现在的收入比到达时多了1,000美元。

Renting a desk in WeWork is my biggest investment, but it’s crucial for several reasons:


it gives me a primary place with wi-fi to work and offers unlimited access to free coffee.它为我提供了使用Wi-Fi上网的主要场所,并提供无限量的免费咖啡。 it gives me an awesome space to invite people to for meetings.它给了我一个很棒的空间来邀请人们参加会议。 I’ll also use their events as networking opportunities.我还将他们的活动用作交流机会。

Even at $295 per month, it’s worth every penny.


Speaking of networking, leveraging the Internet will be important for building strong relationships. Alumni groups, Slack communities, and attending Meetups are all great ways to network. I will also consider volunteering for causes that are important to me such as Code2040.

说到网络,利用互联网对于建立牢固的关系至关重要。 校友团体, Slack社区和参加聚会的人都是建立联系的好方法。 我还将考虑自愿参加对我来说很重要的事业,例如Code2040 。

I can foresee a situation where I burn through money quickly, so having side hustles is also helpful. Side hustles are a great way of bankrolling the job search, but make sure they don’t distract you from the end goal.

我可以预见一种情况,我会很快耗尽金钱,所以有一些侧面的帮助也是有帮助的。 侧面工作是为求职提供资金的一种好方法,但请确保它们不会使您偏离最终目标。

Photography is a passion of mine and it’s a skill that can make money. I’ll charge people for LinkedIn headshots and photoshoots. The Adobe Creative Cloud subscription costs $10 every month, but it will make back its money and more. I’ll also organize photo walks around the city to generate more income once I get more familiar with the area.

摄影是我的一种激情,它是一种可以赚钱的技能。 我会向人们收取LinkedIn头像和照片。 订阅Adobe Creative Cloud的费用为每月10美元,但可以赚回更多钱。 一旦我对该地区更加熟悉,我还将组织一次在城市周围的照片漫游,以产生更多的收入。

My second side-hustle comes courtesy of my previous career in the music industry. I’ll advertise my mastering services online to help musicians put out quality music. I’ll rent out a mastering facility for an entire day and complete two albums in that time. Based on past experience, this should net me at least $1,000 after studio fees.

我第二次忙碌是由于我之前在音乐界的职业。 我将在线宣传我的母带制作服务,以帮助音乐家发行高质量的音乐。 我将租用一整天的母带制作设施,并在那段时间内完成两张专辑。 根据过去的经验,扣除工作室费用后,这至少可以为我带来$ 1,000的收入。

As I stated before, The $100 challenge demands that you be resourceful above all else. I’m convinced that I’ll conquer it, but that won’t stop me from considering new ways to optimize my time and money.

正如我之前所说,$ 100挑战要求您比其他人要有足够的智慧。 我坚信我会征服它,但这不会阻止我考虑优化时间和金钱的新方法。

轮到你 (Your turn)

Now that you’ve read about my plan, it’s your turn to get your creative juices flowing.


“Let’s assume you’re starting all over again. You only have $100 and you’re dropped off in a new city. What would you do to get where you are today?”
“假设您要重新开始。 您只有100美元,而您却被送往了一个新城市。 您将如何实现今天的目标?”

翻译自: /news/a-creative-strategy-guaranteed-to-crush-the-100-challenge-42462fa6d7a2/

unity 骨骼击碎
