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anchor译中文_anchor的意思翻译 解释anchor中文英文含义 短语词组 音标读音

时间:2019-11-25 17:09:49


anchor译中文_anchor的意思翻译 解释anchor中文英文含义 短语词组 音标读音



DJ音标发音: [ˈæŋkə]

KK音标发音: [ˈæŋkɚ]



1. Nautical A heavy object attached to a vessel by a cable or rope and cast overboard to keep the vessel in place either by its weight or by its flukes, which grip the bottom.

【航海】 锚:用缆绳或粗绳系在船只上的重物,将其抛出后船只可因其重量或锚钩紧水底而固定住

2. A rigid point of support, as for securing a rope.


3. A source of security or stability.


4. Sports


5. An athlete, usually the strongest member of a team, who performs the last stage of a relay race or other competition.


6. The end of a tug-of-war team.Also called anchorman

拔河比赛中的最后一队运动员也作 anchorman

7. An anchorperson.



v.(动词)anchored, anchoring, anchors



8. To hold fast by or as if by an anchor.See Synonyms at fasten

使船稳定:把…固定住,用锚或似乎用锚参见 fasten

9. Sports To serve as an anchor for (a team or competition).

【体育运动】 压阵队员:(队或比赛中)充当压阵的运动员

10. To narrate or coordinate (a newscast).


11. To provide or form an anchor store for:


Two major stores anchor each end of the shopping mall.




12. Nautical To drop anchor or lie at anchor.

【航海】 抛锚,停泊


13. Middle English anker, ancher

中古英语 anker, ancher

14. from Old English ancor

源自 古英语 ancor

15. from Latin ancora, anchora

源自 拉丁语 ancora, anchora

16. from Greek ankura

源自 希腊语 ankura


17. The history of the word anchor can be said to be a case study in various levels of sophistication. To begin with, the early history of the word illustrates the kind of borrowing done by the various Germanic peoples from the more advanced culture of the Roman Empire. Ancora, the Latin source of our word anchor, was borrowed into several Germanic languages, including Old English and Old High German, an indication that this appropriation occurred during the period of initial contact between Germanic peoples and the Roman Empire. If the early history of anchor illustrates borrowing from a more advanced culture by a less advanced one, a later stage in the word's history may illustrate a misplaced sophistication. The Latin word ancora itself came from Greek ankura but was sometimes spelled anchora in Latin because of a false analogy with other Greek words, in which the sound (k) was spelled ch. As far back as the 14th century English writers who were familiar with this Latin spelling inserted the ch in the word, otherwise spelled with a k or c, thus causing difficulty for many a beginning speller of later times.

anchor 这个词的历史可以作为不同程度意义变换的范例来研究。 这个词的早期历史说明了日耳曼各民族向罗马帝国较先进文化的借鉴。Ancora 作为 anchor 一词的拉丁语来源,被借入几种日耳曼语言, 包括古英语和古德语,说明当日耳曼各民族最早同罗马帝国有往来时借用便开始了。如果anchor 的早先历史显示了落后文化向先进文化借鉴的话, 这个词的后期历史则表明了意义上的错误变动。拉丁词ancora 来自希腊语中的 ankura , 但有时拼写成anchora 是因为同其它希腊词进行了错误的比较, 在希腊语中发k的音都拼写成ch 。 14世纪熟悉拉丁拼法的英国作家们将ch 插入词中, 而不使用k 或 c, 这样就给后来许多初学英语者的拼写造成了困难

anchor译中文_anchor的意思在线翻译 解释anchor中文英文含义 短语词组 音标读音 例句 词源 同义词【澳典网】...
