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科研绘图工具软件_如何在Windows 10 Mail中使用绘图工具

时间:2019-10-17 02:05:34


科研绘图工具软件_如何在Windows 10 Mail中使用绘图工具


Microsoft recently released a new feature for the Windows 10 Mail app that lets you convey messages with drawings right inside the body of an email. This is a great way to quickly sketch things like graphs or tables to get your point across when simple text just doesn’t do the trick.

微软最近为Windows 10 Mail应用程序发布了一项新功能,该功能使您可以在电子邮件正文中直接发送带有图形的消息。 当简单的文本不能解决问题时,这是一种快速绘制图形或表格之类的东西的好方法,以阐明您的观点。

Here’s how you can start using the Draw feature in the Windows 10 Mail app.

这是您如何开始使用Windows 10 Mail应用程序中的Draw功能的方法。

The first thing you’re going to want to do is tomake sure your app is updated to the current release in case you don’t see the option to add a drawing. As of writing this, the current version is 16005.10827.0.0.

您要做的第一件事是确保您的应用程序已更新到当前版本,以防您看不到添加图形的选项。 撰写本文时,当前版本为16005.10827.0.0。

Now that your app is up-to-date fire it up and click on the “New Mail” button located on the top left of the window. You can use this feature anytime you compose a message, including if you’re forwarding or replying.

现在,您的应用程序是最新的,将其启动,然后单击窗口左上方的“新邮件”按钮。 您可以在撰写邮件的任何时候使用此功能,包括转发或回复邮件时。

At the top of the window, switch to the “Draw” tab, click a space in the body of the message where you’d like the drawing to go, and then click the “Drawing Canvas” button.


Now that you have a canvas inside your email, it’s time to start drawing. Choose any of the pens or other tools located at the top of the screen and scribble something inside yourdrawing canvas below.

现在,您的电子邮件中已有一个画布,是时候开始绘制了。 选择位于屏幕顶部的任何笔或其他工具,然后在下面的绘图画布中涂一些东西。

By default, the Draw feature is for a Microsoft Ink-enabled pen. If you aren’t able to draw, you might have to click on the button to the far left. This enables drawing with a mouse or touch-enabled device.

默认情况下,“绘图”功能适用于支持Microsoft Ink的笔。 如果无法绘制,则可能必须单击最左侧的按钮。 这样可以使用鼠标或启用触摸的设备进行绘制。

添加更多笔 (Add More Pens)

If the default options aren’t quite what you wanted and you’re looking for something with a little more pizazz, you can add more drawing tools in different colors and sizes by clicking on the “+” button and then the “Pen” or “Highlighter” option.

如果默认选项不是您想要的,而您正在寻找一些带有更多pizazz的东西,则可以通过单击“ +”按钮,然后单击“笔”或“ “突出显示”选项。

Choose the default diameter and color of the pen, and it will be added to your menu.


You can change the style of an existing pen or highlighter. After you click the tool the first time, click a second time on the down arrow that appears on the tool’s icon.

您可以更改现有笔或荧光笔的样式。 第一次单击该工具后,再次单击该工具图标上显示的向下箭头。

When the email is sent, the drawing you’ve added is attached as a PNG imageto the body of the message. This means that whoever you’re sending it to doesn’t need to be using the Mail app to see it and it can be saved to the recipient’s computer by downloading the image.

发送电子邮件后,您添加的图形将作为PNG图像附加到邮件正文中。 这意味着无论您将其发送给谁,都无需使用Mail应用程序即可查看它,并且可以通过下载图像将其保存到收件人的计算机中。

翻译自: /367430/how-to-use-the-draw-feature-in-windows-10-mail/

