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siri捷径调用谷歌翻译_告诉它使用Google助理 以减少Siri的麻烦

时间:2023-12-08 23:45:05


siri捷径调用谷歌翻译_告诉它使用Google助理 以减少Siri的麻烦


When it comes to theDigital Assistant Wars™, one thing is abundantly clear regardless of what platform you’re on: Siri is objectively awful. Google knows this, so it’s “fixing” Siri with the latest Assistant app update.

当谈到Digital Assistant Wars™时,无论您使用什么平台,都有很多事情很清楚:Siri客观上很糟糕。 Google知道这一点,因此它通过最新的Assistant应用更新“修复”了Siri。

How,you ask? By using a custom shortcut to allow Siri to summon Assistant. Sure, it’s slightly convoluted—but it’s equally as brilliant.

你怎么问? 通过使用自定义快捷方式允许Siri召唤助手。 当然,它有点令人费解-但同样出色。

Setting it up is stupid-easy. Make sure you have the latest version of the Google Assistant app installed, then open it up. You should be prompted to “Add ‘Ok Google’ to Siri” with a button. Just, like, tap that.

设置起来很愚蠢。 确保您已安装最新版本的Google Assistant应用 ,然后将其打开。 应该提示您使用按钮“将'Ok Google'添加到Siri”。 只是,就像,点击那个。

This will bring up the Add to Siri menu, where you tap the little orange button and record your hotword. It suggests “Ok Google,” but you can use whatever here. Once that’s done, you’re ready to rock and roll.

这将弹出“添加到Siri”菜单,在其中点击橙色小按钮并记录您的热词。 提示为“ Ok Google”,但您可以在此处使用任何内容。 完成后,您就可以摇滚。

If you happen to mess up your recording, however, you do have the option to re-record it before closing the confirmation screen. If you’ve already closed that bad boy and realize you hate saying “OK Google,” you can still change it after the fact.

但是,如果您碰巧弄乱了录制内容,可以选择在关闭确认屏幕之前重新录制。 如果您已经关闭了那个坏孩子,并且意识到自己讨厌说“ OK Google”,那么您仍然可以在事后更改它。

First, jump into your phone’s Settings, then choose Siri & Search. From there, tap on My Shortcuts.

首先,跳至手机的“设置”,然后选择“ Siri&搜索”。 从那里,点击我的快捷方式。

Your Google Assistant shortcuts should be here, where you can delete or modify them as you see fit.


From now on, just say “Hey Siri, OK Google*” and be amazed at how much better your digital assistant is…even if you do have to wait a little bit longer to get to it.

从现在开始,只要说“嘿Siri,好的Google *”,您的数字助理会变得更好而惊讶……即使您确实需要等待更长的时间才能使用它。

* – Or whatever hotword you chose.

* –或您选择的任何热门字词。

翻译自: /fyi/make-siri-suck-less-by-telling-it-to-use-google-assistant/

