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时间:2023-06-12 16:09:13

















(.04.27) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life does.(.05.17) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is better to relax by a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercise.

我的写法是:全写不同意,有人说这样不就是立场不坚??观点不明确吗??-----哪里不坚定了?哪里不明确了??我坚定地回答了“Your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life does”这句话是错的,但是他们有同样重要的影响。



当题目问你 which one do you prefer,我们不把他当成对比类的提醒来写,比如:为了能够吸引更多的游客来旅游,有两个做法:①提升景区安全系数 ②改善景区的面貌,which one do you prefer??------注意这种不能当做对比类来写,应该当做单一观点来写。时间上的对比也不能当做是对比类的题型来写,比如:你是否同意过去的人比现在的人更加友好 。 也当成单一观点来写


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? For future career success, is relating well to other people more important than studying hard at school?


①背景交代 As social beings, humans can never do without the help and support from others. Isolation is the strongest enemy in one’s career life.

②引入话题 It has been widely acknowledged that relating well to others paves the way for people to achieve professional success. However, that does not mean what has been learned in class is not worth while.

③表明观点 In my opinion, building good relationship with others is as important as studying hard at school.


① 主题句 On the one hand, knowledge is power, just as Thomas Jefferson once expressed.

② 针对主题句的解释 To some extent, the essences contained within all school subjectssimply resemble the concrete frames of architecture.Without them, the building would soon collapse. In order to achieve success in one’s future career life,it is imperative for students tostudy hard at school. Therefore,there is no excuse for any student toshun the most fundamental task of studying.

③ 举例In this regard, we may refer to Madam Curie, a Polish physicist and chemist famous for her pioneering research on radioctivity.She studies hard at school and earned her higher degrees. The subsequent scientific research made her the first person honored with two Noble Prizes in physics and in chenistry.

④ 总结 Evidently, these unprecedented achievements owed much to owed much to Madame Curie’suntiring effortsat school.

simply resemble the concrete frame of architecture:就像建筑物的钢筋混凝土结构(什么什么的基础,什么什么很重要)

It is imperative for sb to do sth:去做 …… 对于某人来说是势在必行

there is no excuse for sb to do sth:没有任何借口去做什么

In this regard:在这方面

untiring efforts:不懈的努力


① 主题句 On the other hand, the modern world values teamwork, which is a key to career success.

② 对主题句的解释 Only through interactions with partners can one master the art of cooperation. This vividly demonstrates the significance of relating well to others.

③ 举例 At school, there are many projects or group work assigned to students. The participation in any project requiers theunited effortsof all group members. During the course of a group task, each has to work together with their partners. Just like different components of an engine, everyone is interrelated. If a single part refuses to function, the whole engine may suddently stop or even break down.

④ 总结 It is such a dramatic effect that depicts the value of working harmoniously.

united efforts:团结一致的努力


To sum up, working diligently at school is a fundamental taskon the part ofstudents. On the other hand, learning how to relate well to others before entering employment is also important. Every single day spent on campus ought to be made full use of , as this crucial period in life definitely constitutes a steppingstone to a brighter future.

on the part of:就。。而言constitute a steppingstone:打下一个奠基石(类似打基础/什么什么很重要)
