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Python3---可迭代对象(iterable) 迭代器(iterator) 生成器(generator)的理解和应用

时间:2022-03-21 06:05:15


Python3---可迭代对象(iterable) 迭代器(iterator) 生成器(generator)的理解和应用


1. 可迭代对象(iterable)1).可迭代性----for循环原理2).可迭代对象的特征:3).可迭代对象的源码:2. 迭代器(iterator)1).迭代器的源码:2).可迭代对象 & 迭代器的区别3).自定义迭代器---斐波那契数列4).迭代器的应用场景?3. 生成器(generator)1).生成器的特征?2).生成器的创建?3).yield 的工作流程4).生成器中的yield & return5).生成器中的send()& next()区别6).生成器的应用---简单的生产/消费模型7).生成器的应用---yield多任务切换(协程模拟)8).生成器的应用---大文件的读取

1. 可迭代对象(iterable)




1. 包含__getitem__魔法方法:具备可迭代性

from collections import Iterable# 1、只实现__getitem__class A:def __init__(self):self.data = [1, 2, 3]def __getitem__(self, index):return self.data[index]a = A()print(isinstance(a, Iterable))# 判断是否为可迭代对象for i in a:print(i)# 结果:False123

2. 包含__getitem__魔法方法 & __iter__魔法方法: 可迭代对象

from collections import Iterableclass A:def __init__(self):self.data = [1, 2, 3]self.data1 = [4, 5, 6]def __iter__(self):return iter(self.data1)def __getitem__(self, index):return self.data[index]a = A()print(isinstance(a, Iterable))# 判断是否为可迭代对象for i in a:print(i)# 结果为:True456

如以上代码所示,如果只是实现__getitem__,for in 循环体会自动调用__getitem__函数,并自动对Index从0开始自增,并将对应索引位置的值赋值给 i,直到引发IndexError错误如果还实现了__iter__,则会忽略__getitem__,只调用__iter__,并对__iter__返回的迭代器进行成员遍历,并自动将遍历的成员逐次赋值给 i,直到引发StopIteration


字符串,列表,元祖,字典,集合、文件等等,都是可迭代对象实现了__iter__方法的对象就叫做可迭代对象,_iter__方法可以返回一个迭代器对象,然后通过next()方法就能获取一个一个的元素。直观理解就是, 能用for循环进行迭代的对象就是可迭代对象。




my_list = ["hello", "alien", "world"]# 如下两种方法效果一样,都是获取到迭代器list_type_iterator = my_list.__iter__()# 通过此方法,查看可迭代对象源码# list_type_iterator = iter(my_list)print(list_type_iterator)item = list_type_iterator.next()# 通过此方法,查看迭代器源码print(item)item = list_type_iterator.next()print(item)item = list_type_iterator.next()print(item)

<listiterator object at 0x10a8fa3d0>helloalienworld


# 通过如上代码中,通过__iter__()函数进入到源码内部(Ctrl + B),让我们一探究竟list_type_iterator = my_list.__iter__()进入到__builtin__.py文件中,这个文件定义了python3中常用的数据类型。我们在此文件中搜索__iter__方法,发现代码如下情况的代码:

class list(object):"""list() -> new empty listlist(iterable) -> new list initialized from iterable's items"""def append(self, p_object): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__""" L.append(object) -- append object to end """passdef __iter__(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__""" x.__iter__() <==> iter(x) """pass

class dict(object):"""dict() -> new empty dictionarydict(mapping) -> new dictionary initialized from a mapping object's(key, value) pairsdict(iterable) -> new dictionary initialized as if via:d = {}for k, v in iterable:d[k] = vdict(**kwargs) -> new dictionary initialized with the name=value pairsin the keyword argument list. For example: dict(one=1, two=2)"""def clear(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__""" D.clear() -> None. Remove all items from D. """passdef __iter__(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__""" x.__iter__() <==> iter(x) """pass

class file(object):"""file(name[, mode[, buffering]]) -> file objectOpen a file. The mode can be 'r', 'w' or 'a' for reading (default),writing or appending. The file will be created if it doesn't existwhen opened for writing or appending; it will be truncated whenopened for writing. Add a 'b' to the mode for binary files.Add a '+' to the mode to allow simultaneous reading and writing.If the buffering argument is given, 0 means unbuffered, 1 means linebuffered, and larger numbers specify the buffer size. The preferred wayto open a file is with the builtin open() function.Add a 'U' to mode to open the file for input with universal newlinesupport. Any line ending in the input file will be seen as a '\n'in Python. Also, a file so opened gains the attribute 'newlines';the value for this attribute is one of None (no newline read yet),'\r', '\n', '\r\n' or a tuple containing all the newline types seen.'U' cannot be combined with 'w' or '+' mode."""def readline(self, size=None): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__"""readline([size]) -> next line from the file, as a string.Retain newline. A non-negative size argument limits the maximumnumber of bytes to return (an incomplete line may be returned then).Return an empty string at EOF."""passdef close(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__"""close() -> None or (perhaps) an integer. Close the file.Sets data attribute .closed to True. A closed file cannot be used forfurther I/O operations. close() may be called more than once withouterror. Some kinds of file objects (for example, opened by popen())may return an exit status upon closing."""passdef __iter__(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__""" x.__iter__() <==> iter(x) """pass


2. 迭代器(iterator)


# 通过文章最开始的 next()方法,可以进入到迭代器的源码中查看究竟item = list_type_iterator.next()item 即为可迭代对象中的一个元素

@runtime_checkableclass Iterable(Protocol[_T_co]):@abstractmethoddef __iter__(self) -> Iterator[_T_co]: ...# 解释:可迭代对象通过__iter__()方法得到迭代器@runtime_checkableclass Iterator(Iterable[_T_co], Protocol[_T_co]):@abstractmethoddef next(self) -> _T_co: ...# 解释:迭代器通过next()方法得到某个元素def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[_T_co]: ...

通过以上内容,发现迭代器中还有一个独特的方法—next(), 这个是为了获取其中一个元素

2).可迭代对象 & 迭代器的区别




class Fib():def __init__(self, max):self.n = 0self.prev = 0self.curr = 1self.max = maxdef __iter__(self):return selfdef __next__(self):if self.n < self.max:value = self.currself.curr += self.prevself.prev = valueself.n += 1return valueelse:raise StopIterationfb = Fib(5)print(fb.__next__())print(fb.__next__())print(fb.__next__())print(fb.__next__())print(fb.__next__())print(fb.__next__())

11235Traceback (most recent call last):File "/Volumes/Develop/iterator_generator.py", line 43, in <module>print(fb.__next__())File "/Volumes/Develop/iterator_generator.py", line 34, in __next__raise StopIterationStopIteration


1.在迭代器没有数据时, 如果再调用next()方法, 会抛出StopIteration错误




例如, 你想创建个有100000000个数据的斐波那契数列。如果全部生成之后再用,肯定会占用大量的内存资源。如果使用迭代器来处理,就基本可以忽略内存的占用和计算时间的成本。

2. 文件的读取用到迭代器原理


# readlines()方法其实是读取文件所有内容并形成一个list,没一行内容是其中一个元素for line in open("test.txt").readlines():print line# 1.把文件内容一次全部读取并加载到内存中,然后逐行打印。# 2. 当文件很大时,这个方法的内存开销就很大了,如果文件大于内存的时候,程序会崩掉


for line in open("test.txt"): #use file iteratorsprint line# 这是最简单也是运行速度最快的写法,他并没显式的读取文件,而是利用迭代器每次读取下一行。

3. 生成器(generator)


生成器其实是一种特殊的迭代器,具备迭代器的性质, 不过这种迭代器更加优雅。它不需要再像上面的类一样写__iter__()和__next__()方法了,只需要一个yiled关键字。生成器一定是迭代器(反之不成立),因此任何生成器也是以一种懒加载的模式生成值。


1. 只要把一个列表生成式的 [ ] 改成 ( )

L = [x * 2 for x in range(5)]print(type(L))G = (x * 2 for x in range(5))print(G)# 结果如下:<type 'list'><generator object <genexpr> at 0x10fa48730>#=================================# 获取生成器中的元素G = (x * 2 for x in range(5))print(next(G))print(next(G))print(next(G))# 结果如下024

2. 用函数创建生成器

def fib(max):n, a, b = 0, 0, 1while n < max:yield ba, b = b, a + bn = n + 1a = fib(10)print(next(a))print(next(a))print(next(a))# 结果:112

3).yield 的工作流程

def fib(max):n, a, b = 0, 0, 1while n < max:print("yield--------start")yield b# 每次执行next()方法,都执行到这里,并返回一个元素a, b = b, a + b# yield下面的部分,下一次next方法再执行n = n + 1print("yield--------end")fb = fib(5)print(next(fb))print("\n")print(next(fb))print("\n")print(next(fb))# 结果:yield--------start1yield--------endyield--------start1yield--------endyield--------start2

4).生成器中的yield & return


def fib(max):n, a, b = 0, 0, 1while n < max:yield ba, b = b, a + bn = n + 1return 'iter num finish'


def iter_list(iterator):try:x = next(iterator)print("----->", x)except StopIteration as ret:stop_reason = ret.valueprint(stop_reason)iter_list(fb)iter_list(fb)iter_list(fb)iter_list(fb)iter_list(fb)iter_list(fb)# 结果:-----> 1-----> 1-----> 2-----> 3-----> 5iter num finish


fb = fib(5)def iter_list(iterator):while True:try:x = next(iterator)print("----->", x)except StopIteration as ret:stop_reason = ret.valueprint(stop_reason)breakiter_list(fb)# 结果:-----> 1-----> 1-----> 2-----> 3-----> 5iter num finish

5).生成器中的send()& next()区别



def fib(max):n, a, b = 0, 0, 1while n < max:temp = yield bprint("\n temp------>", temp)a, b = b, a + bn = n + 1a = fib(10)print(next(a))abc = a.send("hello")print(abc)abc = a.send("alien")print(abc)# 结果:1temp------> hello1temp------> alien2

通过以上send()函数的使用,说明send一次,相当于也next()一次,而且也传递了值给temp变量接收,说明同时做了2件事情。a.send(“hello”) 的结果,相当于是next(a)的结果send函数的执行,先将传递的值,赋值给temp,然后执行next的功能


def producter(num):print("produce %s product" % num)while num > 0:consume_num = yield numif consume_num:print("consume %s product" % consume_num)num -= consume_numelse:print("consume 1 time")num -= 1else:return "consume finish"p = producter(20)print("start----->", next(p), "\n")abc = p.send(2)print("the rest num---->", abc, "\n")print("the rest num---->", next(p), "\n")# 结果:produce 20 productstart-----> 20 consume 2 productthe rest num----> 18 consume 1 timethe rest num----> 17




def task1(times):for i in range(times):print('task_1 done the :{} time'.format(i + 1))yielddef task2(times):for i in range(times):print('task_2 done the :{} time'.format(i + 1))yieldgene1 = task1(5)gene2 = task2(5)for i in range(10):next(gene1)next(gene2)# 结果:task_1 done the :1 timetask_2 done the :1 timetask_1 done the :2 timetask_2 done the :2 timetask_1 done the :3 timetask_2 done the :3 timetask_1 done the :4 timetask_2 done the :4 timetask_1 done the :5 timetask_2 done the :5 time



def read_file(fpath): BLOCK_SIZE = 1024 with open(fpath, 'rb') as f: while True: block = f.read(BLOCK_SIZE) if block: yield block else: return
