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第一句子网 > 【C面试】一道简单的C语言面试题的思考——打印星阵


时间:2021-01-06 20:42:32








printf("*\n"); printf("**\n"); printf("***\n"); printf("****\n");







时间过得好快,转眼间五年过去了,那会还没完全毕业,只是大四下半年在那家公司实习(当然毕业后还是一直待在哪儿),因为这个面试题太经典了,印象忒别深刻,就是不同水平的开发者都能做出这个面试题。今天就趁着深圳大雨,宅在家整理一下实现方案。 方法一、单刀直入,直接printf


方法二、printf双循环 外层循环负责换行,内层循环负责打印星星

printf("print by function %s\n", __func__);for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < i + 1; j++) {printf("*");}printf("\n");}

方法三、数组赋值 定义一个空字符串,然后在循环中递增赋值星星

char *temp = new char[num + 1];memset(temp, 0, num + 1);for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {*(temp + i) = '*';printf("%s\n", temp);}delete[] temp;temp = NULL;

方法四、字符串拼接 定义一个空字符串,然后在循环中递增拼接星星

char *temp = new char[num + 1];memset(temp, 0, num + 1);for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {printf("%s\n", strcat(temp, "*"));}delete[] temp;temp = NULL;


char *temp = new char[num + 1];memset(temp, 0, num + 1);char *stars = new char[num + 1];memset(stars, '*', num);stars[num] = '\0';for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {/*** for snprintf you can consider that last index (n - 1) alway set to '\0'.* NOTE: actually it would be setted to '\0' only when source length > n; */snprintf(temp, i + 2, "%s", stars); //printf("%s\n", temp);}delete[] temp;temp = NULL;delete[] stars;stars = NULL;


char *temp = new char[num + 1];memset(temp, 0, num + 1);for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {memset(temp, '*', i + 1);printf("%s\n", temp);}delete[] temp;temp = NULL;


char *stars = new char[num + 1];memset(stars, '*', num);stars[num] = '\0';char *temp = new char[num + 1];memset(temp, 0, num + 1);for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {memcpy(temp, stars, i + 1);printf("%s\n", temp);}delete[] stars;stars = NULL;delete[] temp;temp = NULL;


printf("printf by function %s\n", __func__);char *stars = new char[num + 1];memset(stars, '*', num);stars[num] = '\0';char *temp = new char[num + 1];memset(temp, 0, num + 1);for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {strncpy(temp, stars, i + 1);printf("%s\n", temp);}delete[] stars;stars = NULL;delete[] temp;temp = NULL;


char *temp = new char[num + 1];memset(temp, '*', num + 1);*(temp + num) = '\0';for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {printf("%.*s\n", i + 1, temp);}delete[] temp;temp = NULL;


void arithmetic_progression(int num = 4) {printf("printf by function %s\n", __func__);const int A1 = 2;const int d = 1;const int N = A1 * num + num * (num - 1) * d / 2; char *temp = new char[N];memset(temp, '*', N);int An = 0, sum = 0;for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {An = A1 + i * d; // actually i is (n - 1)sum += An;*(temp + sum - 1) = '\n';}*(temp + N - 1) = '\0'; // prevent new line on the last.printf("%s\n", temp);delete[] temp;temp = NULL;}

完整的代码 stars.cpp

#include <cstdio>#include <cstdlib>#include <cstring>void directly(int notUse = 0) {printf("print by function %s\n", __func__);printf("*\n");printf("**\n");printf("***\n");printf("****\n");}void twofor(int num = 4) {printf("print by function %s\n", __func__);for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < i + 1; j++) {printf("*");}printf("\n");}}void char_array(int num = 4) {printf("print by function %s\n", __func__);char *temp = new char[num + 1];memset(temp, 0, num + 1);for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {*(temp + i) = '*';printf("%s\n", temp);}delete[] temp;temp = NULL;}void char_strcat(int num = 4) {printf("print by function %s\n", __func__);char *temp = new char[num + 1];memset(temp, 0, num + 1);for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {printf("%s\n", strcat(temp, "*"));}delete[] temp;temp = NULL;}void char_snprintf(int num = 4) {printf("print by function %s\n", __func__);char *temp = new char[num + 1];memset(temp, 0, num + 1);char *stars = new char[num + 1];memset(stars, '*', num);stars[num] = '\0';for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {/*** for snprintf you can consider that last index (n - 1) alway set to '\0'.* NOTE: actually it would be setted to '\0' only when source length > n; */snprintf(temp, i + 2, "%s", stars); //printf("%s\n", temp);}delete[] temp;temp = NULL;delete[] stars;stars = NULL;}void char_memset(int num = 4) {printf("print by function %s\n", __func__);char *temp = new char[num + 1];memset(temp, 0, num + 1);for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {memset(temp, '*', i + 1);printf("%s\n", temp);}delete[] temp;temp = NULL;}void char_memcpy(int num = 4) {printf("printf by function %s\n", __func__);char *stars = new char[num + 1];memset(stars, '*', num);stars[num] = '\0';char *temp = new char[num + 1];memset(temp, 0, num + 1);for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {memcpy(temp, stars, i + 1);printf("%s\n", temp);}delete[] stars;stars = NULL;delete[] temp;temp = NULL;}void char_strncpy(int num = 4) {printf("printf by function %s\n", __func__);char *stars = new char[num + 1];memset(stars, '*', num);stars[num] = '\0';char *temp = new char[num + 1];memset(temp, 0, num + 1);for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {strncpy(temp, stars, i + 1);printf("%s\n", temp);}delete[] stars;stars = NULL;delete[] temp;temp = NULL;}void printf_format(int num = 4) {printf("printf by function %s\n", __func__);char *temp = new char[num + 1];memset(temp, '*', num + 1);*(temp + num) = '\0';for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {printf("%.*s\n", i + 1, temp);}delete[] temp;temp = NULL;}/*** 等差数列* An = A1 + (n - 1) * d;* sum(A) = A1 * n + n * (n - 1) * d / 2;*/void arithmetic_progression(int num = 4) {printf("printf by function %s\n", __func__);const int A1 = 2;const int d = 1;const int N = A1 * num + num * (num - 1) * d / 2; char *temp = new char[N];memset(temp, '*', N);int An = 0, sum = 0;for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {An = A1 + i * d; // actually i is (n - 1)sum += An;*(temp + sum - 1) = '\n';}*(temp + N - 1) = '\0'; // prevent new line on the last.printf("%s\n", temp);delete[] temp;temp = NULL;}typedef void (*star_printer)(int);int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {star_printer funclist[] = {directly, twofor, char_array, char_strcat,char_snprintf, char_memset, char_memcpy, char_strncpy,printf_format, arithmetic_progression};const int N = sizeof(funclist) / sizeof(*funclist);for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) {printf("%lu --> ", i);(*(funclist[i]))(4);}return 0;}

说明: 删除指针通常是定义宏变操作,上面示例中是裸写代码,通常不建议这么做。


#define SAFE_DELETE_ARR(p) {if (NULL != (p)) {delete[](p); (p) = NULL;}}


$ g++ stars.cpp

$ ./a.out

0 --> print by function directly**********1 --> print by function twofor**********2 --> print by function char_array**********3 --> print by function char_strcat**********4 --> print by function char_snprintf**********5 --> print by function char_memset**********6 --> printf by function char_memcpy**********7 --> printf by function char_strncpy**********8 --> printf by function printf_format**********9 --> printf by function arithmetic_progression**********


这道面试题之所以经典是因为对于不同水平的面试者能够考察其对C C++理解的深度,对API的掌握情况。





i += ++i;这种牛角尖问题,我曾经自学中也走入这样的误区。特地提醒,不要被误导。
