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第一句子网 > 【17句】英语划分句子成分的题


时间:2022-02-24 11:00:01



Sure, here are 17 sentences to test your understanding of English sentence components:

1. The cat sat on the mat.

2. I will meet you at the station.

3. She went to the store to buy some bread.

4. They went for a walk in the park.

5. The sun set behind the mountains.

6. He plays the piano beautifully.

7. The children ran around the playground laughing and shouting.

8. We went to the beach and built sandcastles.

9. The bird sang a sweet melody in the morning.

10. She danced gracefully on the stage.

11. They sat by the fireplace and drank hot cocoa.

12. The train arrived at the platform on time.

13. The dog barked loudly at the postman.

14. I read a fascinating book about space exploration.

15. The flowers bloomed in the garden after the rain.

16. The students worked hard and passed their exams with flying colors.

17. The chef cooked a delicious meal for us in the restaurant.
