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七夕节快乐的短句子 七夕节快乐的短句子英文

时间:2018-10-02 09:49:48


七夕节快乐的短句子 七夕节快乐的短句子英文


七夕节,也被称作“牛郎织女节”,是我国一个古老的传统节日。在这个日子里,人们会庆祝中国古代传说中的两位相爱的人 —— 牛郎和织女 —— 在这天相会的故事。这个节日已经有数千年的历史,它是一个表达爱情和浪漫的机会,因此在这个特别的日子里,人们会送出许多浪漫的祝福。


1. 七夕节的起源和传说

2. 七夕节的庆祝方式和习俗

3. 祝福和告白语的使用









\"How to Celebrate Qixi Festival\"

Qixi Festival, also known as Chinese Valentines Day, falls on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. It is a day when couples express their love for each other through various traditions and practices. Here are some ways to celebrate this special day!

1. Make Dumplings Together

Making dumplings is a common activity for couples on Qixi Festival. It represents the blending of two different people into one, just like the filling and dough of a dumpling. Making dumplings together can be a fun and romantic activity, and you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor afterwards!

2. Write Love Letters

In ancient times, Qixi Festival was known as the \"Night of Skills\" or \"Night of Seven.\" On this night, young women would demonstrate their skills such as needlework and writing. Couples would also exchange love letters, expressing their love and devotion to each other. You can carry on this tradition by writing a heartfelt letter to your significant other.

3. Watch the Stars Together

According to Chinese legend, the Cowherd and Weaver Girl, the two main characters of Qixi Festival, are separated by the Milky Way and can only meet once a year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. Watching the stars together on this special day can be a romantic and symbolic way to celebrate your love.

4. Exchange Gifts

Giving and receiving gifts is a common way to show love on Qixi Festival. Traditional gifts include flowers, chocolates, and handmade crafts. You can also get creative and make a personalized gift for your loved one.

5. Enjoy a Romantic Dinner

Going out for a romantic dinner is a classic way to celebrate any special occasion, including Qixi Festival. You can choose a fancy restaurant or cook a special meal together at home. Either way, make sure to enjoy each others company and savor the moment.
