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关于天气的谚语 关于天气的谚语英语

时间:2021-11-04 11:23:52


关于天气的谚语 关于天气的谚语英语







Title: Proverbs about Weather


Weather is an integral part of our daily life. It affects our mood, health, and overall lifestyle. Throughout the world, people have developed proverbs and sayings that describe the weather, their impact on life, and how to predict it. These proverbs reflect the cultural values of a region and often provide insights and wisdom that extend beyond weather forecasting. In this article, we will explore popular proverbs about weather from around the world and their meanings.

Section 1: Weather Proverbs from Asia

1.1 \"When the wind blows, the grass bends\" (China)

This proverb signifies that when a situation changes, people or things must adapt to the changes in the environment. The grass symbolizes people, and wind represents change.

1.2 \"Red sky at night, sailors delight. Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning.\" (Japan)

This proverb suggests that the color of the sky at sunrise and sunset can predict the weather conditions for the day. A red sky in the morning indicates that a storm may occur, while a red sky at night suggests good weather for the following day.

1.3 \"If the frog croaks in the morning, it will rain in the afternoon.\" (Philippines)

This proverb suggests that if a frog croaks early in the morning, it is an indication that it might rain later in the day. The behavior of animals and insects can provide hints about weather conditions.

Section 2: Weather Proverbs from Europe

2.1 \"Rain before seven, fine before eleven.\" (United Kingdom)

This proverb suggests that if it rains early in the morning, it will clear up by late morning or early afternoon.

2.2 \"When the mist creeps up the hill, its sure to be a cloudy day\" (Ireland)

This proverb suggests that when the mist comes to the hilltops, which are normally above the clouds, it indicates that the weather will be cloudy or rainy.

2.3 \"A cold May and a windy June makes a barn full of corn and hay.\" (Iceland)

This proverb suggests that an icy May and a windy June weather can produce high crop yields for farmers.

Section 3: Weather Proverbs from Africa

3.1 \"Rain cloud knows neither father nor mother; it follows the dweller of the wind.\" (West Africa)

This proverb suggests that rain clouds do not have a specific source, but they travel according to the wind direction. It means that anyone can experience good or bad weather conditions.

3.2 \"The grass is greener where the rain falls.\" (South Africa)

This proverb suggests that rainfall is essential for the growth of plants and crops. The saying is also figurative and indicates that people who live in areas of plenty tend to lack appreciation for what they have.

3.3 “When spiderwebs unite, they can stop even the lion.” (Ethiopia)

This proverb suggests that people can achieve great things by working together, just like spiderwebs, which become stronger when united. This proverb also indicates that people can overcome challenges and their destructive impact, similar to how spiderwebs stopping a lion.

