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删除windows old 删除windows old需要system权限

时间:2020-09-03 21:45:13


删除windows old 删除windows old需要system权限

The renovation of this classic 1936 home included a reimagining of a cluster of smal rooms that were no longer functional . We opened up the kitchen to the dining room and backyard , utilizing a view from the front of the house extending to the back yard and reconfigured the connection to the ground level , addressing the floor plan of bedrooms and bathrooms on both levels . The transformation has an incredible feeling of openness that wasn ' t there before . We were careful of the original architectural details , instaling new windows and doors that matched the old style , repeating arches in the openings , and keeping original trim where possible . The original vaulted living room was enhanced with updated furnishings from different eras to reflect the client ' s eclectic taste , from contemporary to mid - century to antique pieces . Our choices for both furniture and interior finishes were motivated by the vintage Storybook architecture , which is British - influenced and calls for classic materials that are of solid quality . Project Cost :$500,001-$750,000


12月六级翻译重点句子解析 (二)




In October 1927, the old generation like Mao Zedong and Zhu De led the Chinese Workers' and Peasants’Army to Jinggangshan, where they created/restablished/set

up the first rural revolutionary base

with/through much extremely hard/tough and bitter/grevious struggle and/

in//under extremely hard/tough and bitter/grevious struggle/fighting/striving conditions/situations//circumstances.

light/ignite the sparks of Chinese revolution,

breaking/carving/blazing/paving a revolutionary path//opening a (new)

revolutionary way with Chinese characteristics to besiege/surround the cities from

the countryside and to seize/grab/take/win power by armed forces.

It is here that the Chinese revolution/the revolution in China moves/progresses/proceeds/goes/marches toward success.













Ten unconventional New year wishes, collect in advance

If meeting you needs to spend all my good luck, please stay away from me. I have to play cards for the New year.

There is a road high in the mountains and a boat in the deep water. If you are in harmony, the New year is better than the old one.

May the new year prevail over the old year, and may the future prevail over the past. I will die with the past, and I will welcome you in the coming year.

A group of carbon-based creatures are happy that the planet they live in has been orbiting around.

Are you sure you don't want to tell me Happy New year? the next one will be 365 days later.

Hope happy and good luck ran to me, we bumped into each other.

Day and night, precipitate the past, usher in the new light.

With a sincere heart, lead the teachings of the years, respect the enthusiasm of the young, may the future win the past, always filled with tears.

May you be thin, good-looking, rich and cute, and all your wishes for good luck in the new year will come true.

In the new year, may the days be like dawn, gentle and serene, you and me sincere and brave, joy in sight, day and moon, twilight.

每日一笑No.38 组团忽悠

Got a job as a janitor in a nursing home. On my first day at work, I accompanied the old man and the old lady to fight the landlord. I lost 100 yuan.

The daughter-in-law was worried. She said: how much do you earn? I lost all my wages when I went to work like this.

Me: there's more! My monthly salary is 3000. According to 22 days of work, it's 136.3636 yuan a day. There's 36 yuan left.

After a family law, my daughter-in-law scolded me: the more you live, the more you go back. Even the old man can't win. Is there a problem with your IQ?!

Me: those old men and women have a good mind. They are good at counting cards. After three rounds of cards, they will know whether you have bombs and shunzi

If her daughter-in-law doesn't believe it, she will go out in person. As a result, she lost 500 yuan for three consecutive days. She finally convinced me that I was not allowed to play cards with the people in the nursing home.

At work the next day, the two old friends gave me 300 yuan each

What about the pocket money next month?









第1102天 英语超级写作奶爸,3.0年双语日记记录女儿生活




第1102天 (3.0年)12月19日(六)


Day1102, Dec 19, (Sat)



You’re 3 years old (Episode 6):

Everyone has the itch to win due recognition. Of course, we are human. Nobody on Jinritoutiao clings to and strives for a lofty ideal of being raked over the coals or frowned upon with their posts. I’m no exception.


I felt recognized when unexpectedly paragraphs of spontaneous emotion found an echo in some readers, tears blurring their vision, and also when I was reading the heartwarming messages which in turn are also a partial source of the muse for mywritings.


Liulaoshi, who goes by the name “LaoLiu” online and who’d been following our 37-day journey, recommended my writings with an article I came on in his space one day, which came as a delightful surprise since Diaries had never received such a compliment.


I felt overwhelmed when Wutongyeyu 180991706 said “This kid has met the world’s best mum and dad of all.”


I felt an urge to go back and watch those videos of our travel when Gaoshanliushui 6928 recreated the video scenes with poetic and lyrical comments.




✔️alienate [ˈeɪliəneɪt]

Definition: to make sb less friendly or sympathetic towards you; to make sb feel that they do not belong in a particular group

Sentence: They attempted to alienate the two friends failed because they have complete faith.

This comment have alienated a lot of young voters.

✔️furrow [ˈfɜːroʊ]

Definition: a long narrow cut in the ground, especially one made by a plough for planting seeds in; a deep line in the skin of the face

Sentence: The deep furrow made it difficult to walk across the field.


Definition: to make sb/sth look or feel younger or more lively

Sentence: Thegovernmentpushedthroughschemestorejuvenatetheinner cities. ✔️dupe

Definition: to trick or cheat sb


Definition: to trick or cheat sb

Sentence: Hebecomesaninnocentdupeinapoliticalscandal

✔️ defile

Definition: to make sth dirty or no longer pure, especially sth that people consider important or holy

Sentence: The alter had been defiled by vandals.


Definition: to act in a way that shows you are sorry for doing sth wrong in the past

Sentence: He atoned his sin with life.


Definition: to suddenly break into small pieces; to make sth suddenly break into small pieces

Sentence: The explosion shattered all the windows of the building.

✔️ delirious

Definition: in an excited state and not able to think or speak clearly, usually because of fever

Sentence: He became delirious and couldn't recognize people.


Definition: If you describe people, especially people who are old, ashale, you mean that they are healthy.

Sentence: The old man is still hale and hearty.

Crook: a dishonest person; the place where your arm bends at the elbow;


Definition: to become gradually narrower; to make sth become gradually narrower

Sentence: They are gradually tapering off the production of old models.

#思维系英语# #每日打卡背单词# #英语拔尖交流#

#冰雪最前线# #冰雪# “Here’s the thing. I’m not trying to keep anyone happy. I’m an 18-year-old girl living my best life. I’m having a great time. It doesn’t really matter if other people are happy or not because I feel as though I am doing my best, I’m enjoying the entire process, and I’m using my voice to create as much positive change as I can for the voices who will listen to me in an area that is personal and relevant to myself. I know that I have a good heart and I know my reasons for making the decisions I do are based on a greater common interest and something I feel is for the greater good.

“If other people don’t really believe that that’s where I’m coming from, then that just reflects that they do not have the empathy to empathise with a good heart, perhaps because they don’t share the same kind of morals that I do and, in that sense, I’m not going to waste my time trying to placate people who are, one, uneducated and, two, probably never going to experience the kind of joy and gratitude and love that I have the great fortune to experience on a daily basis.

“If people don’t like me, that’s their loss. They’re never going to win the Olympics."

第1127天 (1) 英语超级写作奶爸,3.0年双语日记记录女儿生活


中英合计:96.2万字 英文38.6万字,中文57.6万字


第1127天 (3.0年)1月13日 (三)

A Diary for My Yunduo’er

Day 1127, Jan 13, (Wed)



You’re 3 years old (Episode 17):

Again what I read the other day: Nothing except life is more expensive than traffic nowadays.


I ache for more of Toutiao’s money. I hanker after more traffic. I’m itching to be called by Toutiao’s money and let it take care of me, respect me, accept me, and remain faithful to me, nobody but me until the end of its life, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health. I do, I do, I do, I do. I crave for this more than anything else, to an exent that I’m tugging at the heartstrings of the heaven and the earth.


With that, I upped the ante by #ing my posts to two of the many campaigns Toutiao laucnhes from time to time to call and inspire users with the exiciting prospects of more money and traffic, in which prize-winners get prize money and more traffic. Who will win? Of course, those whose posts generate more clicks will come out tops


Nothing happened. My posts got nowhere. They ended up with nothing, nada, zero, big goose egg. There’s nothing but nought.




mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names.无论你的生活如何卑微,你都得面对和度过;不要逃避,也莫以恶言相加。

It is not as bad as you are.生活不像你认为的那般坏。

It looks poorest when you are richest.当你富甲天下之时,生活却显得贫瘠乏味。

The faultfinder will find faults even in paradise.即使在天堂,吹毛求疵之人也能挑出缺点。

Love your life, poor as it is.即使生活贫穷,你也该热爱生活。

You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in a poor house.因为就是在贫济院,你也有自己快乐、激动与光荣的岁月。

The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the almshouse as brightly as from the rich man's abode; the snow melts before its door as early in the spring.贫济院窗户反射的夕阳与富人宅第上的一样夺目;其门前的积雪同样是在早春融化。

I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and have as cheering thoughts, as in a palace.我只是看到,一个心系宁静的人,就算居住在贫济院,生活也会心满意足、思想愉悦,如同生活在皇宫中一样。

The town's poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of any.在我看来,城镇中的贫民大多过着最为无拘无束的生活。

Maybe they are simply great enough to receive without misgiving.或许他们只是超乎寻常,不然岂会毫无疑惧的接受这一切。

Most think that they are above being supported by the town; but it often happens that they are not above supporting themselves by dishonest means, which should be more disreputable.大多数人认为自己超凡脱俗而无需依赖城镇的资助,然而情况往往是,他们谋生靠的是不正当的手段,这更会让他们声名扫地。

Cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like sage,如圣人一般,视贫穷如园中的花草去慢慢的耕耘吧。

Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends.不要自找麻烦的去追求新花样——衣服也好,朋友也罢。

Turn the old, return to them.翻开故往,回归故往。

Things do not change; we change.


Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts.你的衣装可以卖掉,但要保留你的思想。




Jose Mourinho

"Give me all the old men. Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Didier Drogba, Lampard, Terry, Sergio Ramos, Jerome Boateng, Dani Alves, Neuer, Luka Modric and Iniesta. I would win the league, the Champions League and the FIFA best coach of the year with them."

C罗 新年发文各项比赛打进47球


is coming to an end and it was far from being an easy year, despite my 47 goals scored across all competitions.

Two different clubs and five different coaches. One Euro Final Stage played with my National Team and one World Cup Qualification left pending for . At Juventus, I was proud to win the Italian Cup and the Italian Supercup, and become the Série A Top Scorer. For Portugal, becoming the Euro Top Scorer was also a high point this year. And of course, my return to Old Trafford will always be one of the most iconic moments in my career.

But I’m not happy with what we are achieving in Man. United. None of us are happy, I’m sure of that. We know that we have to work harder, play better and deliver way more than we are delivering right now.

Let’s make this New Year’s Eve a turning point of the season! Let’s embrace with a higher spirit and a stronger mentality. Let’s take us above and beyond, let’s reach for the stars and put this club right where it belongs! Join us, we’re counting on all of you!

Happy New Year and see you soon!
