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那些让人超级难过的句子 句句悲情 是我们所有人的苦痛

时间:2021-08-05 11:11:47


那些让人超级难过的句子 句句悲情 是我们所有人的苦痛


I accompanied her through this road many times, and the last time I saw her through here, I didn say a word. My eyes were tearful. It must be very miserable


I can express my feelings. I can think of a word to describe my story. Maybe Ive talked to others after drinking, but when Im awake, I don have a story.


Im not happy, but Im sorry for you. Where I am not good enough, let you so do not cherish. You are where good, let me red eyes again and again.


You should apologize to me for liking this matter. I insist on unconditionally favoring you from the beginning to the end. You should apologize for your perfunctory, fresh feeling and words that never stray.


That night I thought for a long time, I was thinking about you why? Do not like me, but also give me hope, and give me disappointment, why miss me? Why should all regrets be left to me?


Although the wine cup is shallow, it can be lonely on a cold night. Although the alley is short, it is all confused. Even if the first intention of a child is better than that of Jin Jian, how can nature make people, and heaven is on each side


The world is not pure land, each has its own suffering. It is the same as the world of mortals. Don laugh who is the poor man. The cup is full of heartlessness, and the eyes are full of unintentional people.


To get used to anyones hot and cold, to get used to anyones drifting away, time let us learn to bear alone, slowly become smile and silent, pain but no language.
