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暖心的治愈系句子 干净大方 句句说到心坎里!

时间:2019-03-29 00:26:01


暖心的治愈系句子 干净大方 句句说到心坎里!


At the age of eighteen, you are no longer a minor, which means that the wayward way is over. You have to mature and be a gentle girl, and don spend your days year after year.


Time can forget everything, and it can deepen certain memories. Some people say that they forget, but they can do it; some feelings, after walking around, will still return to the original point.


Some things don deserve your emotions at all, life is an experience, just be happy.


I really wanted to contact you during that time, but I refrained, and now I am gradually getting used to a persons life. I used a lot of boxes of paper to wipe my tears, watched a lot of movies, and circulated the song list again and again. Healed again and again, okay, and finally let go.


Smart people have sweet mouths and hate people will act, and you won do anything, so in the emotional world, you can only be dumped, okay?


Suddenly found that it is easy to collapse, and it is easy to heal. But all of them quietly collapsed and quietly reconciled themselves.


I walked around and stopped warm and cold, knowing myself and being self-sufficient. I do n’t know what I ’m waiting for, just like I do n’t know what is waiting for me.



We can go back anymore, because we can have another childhood, we can have another encounter, we can have another first love, we can have the happiness, happiness, sorrow, and pain of the past.

Whether it was yesterday or the previous second, whether it was a missed friendship or a love that was let go, it is impossible to go back. Life is actually an out-of-print movie that cannot be played back, and you will miss the happiness you give when you turn around.


Even if you fall in love because of your appearance, or education, or cultivation, or temperament, etc., everything you do is not what the other party wants, and someone shows you a "red card." You don have to be very hurt and shocked.


Gradually understood, the person who cares most often tends to make you cry the most. Gradually understood that many loves can be met but not sought. Gradually understood that many things can only be owned once, let go It means losing, and gradually understand, sincerely does not need to return to a person; gradually understand, in fact, a person is very good.


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