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第一句子网 > “把衣服拿到太阳下晒晒”用英语怎么说?


时间:2018-07-15 14:25:05






我们还是Yahoo Yahoo吧,正好训练我们用Yahoo解决问题的能力。

1) 把学过的英语用起来,会说I dry my washed clothes in the sun吗?

2) 我们不仅“求证”了这句英语,还Yahoo到大量主题原版英语

1. How to Sun Bleach(暴晒) Laundry/Bleach Laundry in the Sun

Nothing compares to the smell of fresh laundry that’s been hanging outside to dry. Not only is it a fresh and efficient way to do laundry, it’s also oft-touted as a way to brighten whites without having to use special detergents or harsh chemicals. All you need is plenty of time and sunshine.

读到 Sun Bleach Laundry,Bleach Laundry in the Sun,laundry that’s been hanging outside to dry了吗?这就是“在太阳底下晒衣服”呀!


Okay.I got you.You say Bleach something in the sun ,or to sun bleach something.That means You hang something outside to dry.

2. You don need to tumble-dry(烘干机烘干) clothes at this time of year. Heres why you should take your laundry outside to hang-dry in the warm sunshine.

When the sun is out and the weather is warming up, there is something deeply satisfying about hanging out clothes to dry:

读到take your laundry outside to hang-dry in the warm sunshine,hanging out clothes to dry了吗?


Okay.I got you.I got another way to say To hang my laundty outside to dry, I will say:take my laundry/washed clothing outside to hang-dry in the warm sunshine,or to hang out my clothes to dry.

