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超拽又霸气的句子 洒脱个性 句句在理!

时间:2018-09-08 18:51:40


超拽又霸气的句子 洒脱个性 句句在理!

如果你不是特别喜欢我,就请你离我远一点 ,我要的是特别坚定 ,是有且仅有,是万里挑一。

If you don like me very much, please stay away from me. What I want is to be firm, to have and to have, to be one in a thousand.


The most nonsense concern in the world is to say to someone who can sleep early.


Im very considerate of other peoples feelings, so generally speaking, I don embarrass people. If you don feel comfortable when I speak, don think about me on purpose.


Im glad that Ive survived all the way, so it doesn matter who I am without. Fortunately, Im not flirtatious.

我 一点儿也没做二十岁的准备,挺纳闷的,就像谁从背后硬推给我的一样。

Im not even ready for twenty,I wonder,Its like someone pushed me from behind.


You need to listen to good songs several times, people who are attracted to see them a few more times, and you need to eat delicious things several times. In a short life, how can you keep regretting.


Only when a car is broken can a spare tire be found. Only when people are idle can they fish. Only when they are cheap and versatile can they have feelings. They are really excellent. Only when they are senior can they love one person well.

我不是那种对谁都温柔的人,说起来很自私,我不开心的时候 爱谁谁,但是我把你放在心上的时候,真的 全世界你最大。

Im not the kind of person who is gentle to everyone. Its selfish to say that. I love someone when Im not happy, but when I put you in my heart, you are the biggest in the world.


If you don have such great ability, don put on such a big score. Its easy to say what you say and hard to get back.


