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第一句子网 > 商务写作指导:also在句子中的正确位置


时间:2021-10-24 00:17:35



One of the most common mistakes associatedwith word order is the tendency to put adverbs in the wrong place. This particularlyapplies to the word “also”, but other adverbs are commonly misplacedtoo. 单词顺序最常见的错误之一是把副词放在错误的位置。这个问题对”also”特别常见,不过其他副词也会被放错地方。 Consider the following examples with “also”: 思考一下下面几个有”also”的例子: WRONG 错误用法 We included also the information that the holiday year starts on 1 January. 我们也包含了从1月1日开始的假日信息。 RIGHT 正确用法 We alsoincluded the information that the holiday year starts on 1 January. 我们也包含了从1月1日开始的假日信息。 WRONG 错误用法 The rules set out above apply also to the ConfidentialInformation. 以上规则也适用于保密信息。 RIGHT 正确用法 The rules set out above alsoapply to the Confidential Information. 以上规则也适用于保密信息。 As these examples show, “also” should go between the subjectand the verb, NOT after the verb. The next examples – with other adverbs – follow the same pattern: 像上面的这些例句一样,“also”应该位于主语和动词之间,而不是动词之后。下面的几个例句——句中有其他副词——也遵照相同的准则。 WRONG 错误用法 We have only time to finish the first part of the project by the deadline. 我们只能在最后期限前完成项目的第一部分。 RIGHT 正确用法 We onlyhave time to finish the first part of the project by the deadline. 我们只能在最后期限前完成项目的第一部分。 WRONG 错误用法 Who has usually access to classifiedinformation? 谁经常能看到保密信息? RIGHT 正确用法 Who usuallyhas access to classified information? 谁经常能看到保密信息? There is, of course, an exception to this rule. When the verb is “to be” the adverb usually goes after the verb: 当然这个规则是有例外的。当动词为”to be”时,副词经常出现在动词后面: She is also an experienced adviser on mergersand acquisitions. 她在兼并收购方面也是一位经验丰富的顾问。 The client is oftenunable to sign documents at short notice due to extensiveforeign travel. 由于大量出差,这位客户经常不能一接到通知就签合同。 When a sentence has an auxiliaryverb and a main verb, it is usual to put adverbs between them. For example: 当句子中有一个辅助动词和一个主要动词,副词经常被放在两个动词之间。比如说: We have finallycompleted the project. 我们终于完成了这个项目。 Here “have” is the auxiliary verb and “completed” is the main verb; “have completed” is the present perfect tense. 在这里”have”是辅助动词而“completed”是主要动词,“have completed”是现在完成时。 More examples: 更多例句: We have alreadyheard about the outcome. 我们已经听说了结果。 The firm has frequentlybeen praised for its commercial approach to problem solving. 这家公司经常因为其解决问题的商业方法受到表彰。 编辑推荐

