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时间:2019-01-25 17:53:00



摘要:今天在线教育雅思网为大家带来的是4月14日雅思回忆及分析的相关资讯,备考雅思考试的各位烤鸭,赶紧来看看吧! 今天在线教育雅思网为大家带来的是4月14日雅思回忆及分析的相关资讯,备考雅思考试的各位烤鸭,赶紧来看看吧!听力Section 1参考答案:1. end of the months2. colourness of orange3. the East of island4. state5. trousers6. general7. museum centre8. 1 hour9. 5.3010. zoom lensSection 2参考答案:11.C foreign language class. most popular course是12.A organization skill.最大的困难是?13.B entertainment.Radio站的目的。14. A munity是为了?15. Cafeteria =C behind the reception16. Store room =B next to the washroom17. Practice studio =G at the end of corridor18.Waiting room =H near cleaning room and opposite to the control room19. Control room=E next to the main studio20. 暂无Section 3参考答案:21. recording equipment in every room22. moral aspect without childrens permission23. simplified language is good in the long run24. make speech25. learn grammer26. confident in speeking27-28. BC(observation diaries)29-30. AE(a technical error interruption)Section 4参考答案(顺序不对):noisepopulationwatercoalhistorybalancedairyentertainmentinfrastructureselectricity阅读Passage 1 剧院历史参考答案:暂无Passage 2 一种快灭绝的树参考答案:暂无Passage 3 人类行为参考答案:暂无写作小作文类型:表格题目 :The table below gives information about transportation of five kinds of products imported from Hong kong in 1999 and 2002. 大作文类型:环境类题目:Governments should make people responsible for looking after their own local environment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?口语1-4月雅思口语新题1.Describe a situation in which you were very polite.You should explain:Where the situation took place?How you showed that you were polite?And why you needed to be so polite?2.Describe a time when you were late for something important.You should say:When it happened?Why you were late?How you managed the situation and explain how you felt about it ?3.Describe an occasion when someone visited your home.You should say:Who the person was?What the occasion was?What you did for the occasion and the visitor?And explain how you felt about his visit.4.Describe your favorite season in yourcountry.You should say:When that season is?What the weather is like at that time of year?How that season is different from other seasons?And why it is your favorite season.5.Describe a place where you like to go to.You should say:Where the place is?How you get there?What it looks like?And explain why you like this place.6.Describe a toy that was special to you when you were a child.You should say:When you got it?What it looked like?Who gave it to you?And how you used it or played with it.7.Describe a teacher or another person from whom you learned something important.You should say:Who the person is?How you know him/her?What you learned from him/her?Why it was important to you?8.Describe a situation that someone said something positive about your work/study.You should say:When and where it happened?What did you do?Who said those words to you?How did you feel about it and explain why.9.Describe a special meal that you remember having.You should say:Where you had the meal?Who you were with?When you had it?And explain why it was a special meal to you.10.Describe a science subject that you studied and liked.You should say:What it was?Why you chose it?How you can use it in your life?And explain what you liked the best aboutthis subject.11.Describe a historical event that you find interesting.You should say:When it took place?What historic connection it has?How it impacted the history?And explain why you find it interesting?12.Describe a time when you helped someone.You should say:When it happened?Who you helped and why you helped him/her?How you helped this person?What the result was and explain how you felt about it.13.Describe a special meal that you remember having.You should say:When you had the meal?Where you had it?Who you were with?And explain why it was a special meal to you.14.Describe an interesting story that you heard or read about in the news.You should say:When you heard or read about the story?What the story was about?Why the story was in the news?And explain why you thought the story wasinteresting.15.Describe a family photograph that yourememberYou should say:When it was taken?Where it was taken?Who were in the pictureAnd explain why you remember this family photograph.16.Describe something you learned in a place/from a person.You should say:What you learned?When it happened?Who taught you?Why you learnt it?17.Describe an important river in your country.You should say:What the river is called?Where it is?What you know about it?And explain why is it important18.Describe a person you know well.You should say:Who person is?How long you have known each other?What kind of person he/she is?And explain how you feel about this person.19.Describe a special day out.You should say:Where you went?Who you went there with?What you did?And explain why it was special to you.20.Describe a recent development in your cityYou should say:What the development is?How you know it?What benefits it could bring?And explain whether it would change yourlife or not.如上就是网课教育小编为大家带来的4月14日雅思回忆及分析的相关资讯,掌握最新雅思资讯,敬请关注(在线教育雅思网)更多雅思考试资讯以及备考资料免费领!在线针对的雅思考试,开设“雅思基础课程、强化课程、冲刺课程”。想快速提分的同学可以在线咨询客服,了解课程详情,预约名师1V1试听课;为你量身打造专属雅思学习方案;免费领取雅思考试学习资料/备考干货/视频课件/直播公开课/原版英文杂志!
